IGs Election | In conversation with Sukesh Kumar Tedla .

Published in
6 min readOct 16, 2020

Sukesh Kumar Tedla co-founder GreenEOSIO, is a 26-year-old entrepreneur from Göteborg, Sweden, who is passionate about technology and doing something good for society. He is also leading startup Unbiased, where he is driving the innovation of building ethical & transparent AI solutions that help fight complex technical & societal challenges like Fake News, Mis-Information, Bias in AI, ML & BigData.

He has a Master’s Degree in Telecommunications and has more than 5 years of professional experience working in both technical and leadership roles. On top of it, he is also currently serving as the Chairman of the Swedish Blockchain Association.

He has been with EOSIO from the very early days, and GreenEOSIO is a WAX Guild which has helped solidifying WAX presence in Sweden and is spearheading the development of Battle of Humanity.

To contribute to the process of Guild Rating and implement a few unique rating concepts to make Guild review hence WAX ecosystem stronger, Sukesh has recently put his nominations for WAX Inspector General Position.

Please find the candidacy proposal here

We are trying to interview all the IGs and ask a few hard questions as both Guilds and community members. You may also watch the last interview of Sukesh with Anders here.

To begin with-

1. Sukesh, what are your thoughts on the current evaluation structure and where you think we need to work on?

A: The current evaluation is good but it’s still heavily reliant on subjective opinions which can lead to unfair evaluations or consistency issues. I have laid out 4 specific proposals in my candidacy announcement to improve the current structure which ensures reliability and quality while maintaining a good level of objectivity in the evaluation structure.

2. In your candidacy proposal, you mentioned TRL and marketing metrics, could you elaborate on what these metrics are and how you see them functioning in the current IGs framework?

A: TRL stands for Technology Readiness Level which has been an industry standard since the 1970s to evaluate maturity and usability of different technology solutions. This system is practiced today in EU grants processing as well where diverse applications compete to win the grants.

I want to work with the IGs to define a custom TRL system to evaluate Product and Business Development work by the guilds. This system can be built on top of the existing IG framework and can act as a template for all the guilds to follow while providing an objective evaluation framework.

As part of the evaluations, I want to create a template where guilds submit marketing metrics every month in relation to WAX. Some of the metrics are listed below:

  • Number of articles or content created over a month.
  • The reach of the created content (impressions, views, engagements etc.)
  • Any paid ads or distribution channels used?

These metrics build transparency and help IGs and the community to clearly see what different guilds are doing.

3. How do you think certain biases could make the whole IG rating worse and how could improve on such? When biases are pretty natural sometimes it comes from the people we like and sometimes it’s just because incentives are aligned in some way.

A: I think I have experienced this first-hand while operating a guild and being on the other side of the IG evaluations. I think biases have a pretty big negative impact on the whole subjectivity based evaluation framework. When things are evaluated from an objective standpoint with very little room for subjective decisions then it’s much simpler. So this is one of the reasons I want to work on an objectivity based system which avoids these issues.

Also I believe that each and every IG candidate has a responsibility to disclose their partnerships or relations with existing guilds so that the community knows of any misaligned interests.

4. When IGs and teams do the majority of work and opt for producing guilds, what are the responsibilities we could see are with proxies and independent voters? Should the proxies also keep in check the power of IGs in some way?

A: As I stated in my candidacy proposal, my view is that OIG is there to assist WAX Token holders in their guild voting decision-making process. I think proxies and independent voters should make their own decision or use the work done by IGs as a helping guide.

5. Do you think teams should get votes for prospecting in Business Development?

A: I think they should, prospecting takes a lot of time and effort. If a guild can clearly prove that they are prospecting then it can be accommodated into a custom TRL category for Business Development evaluations.

6. As Anders mentioned they are providing the most reliable API for the WAX ecosystem, how do you think such metrics could be included in the reports? As a few providing reliable APIs might not get traction, it’s hard to put that in numbers but they have valid points.

A: One of my proposals is focused on improving the technical requirements to include reliability metrics, I think this is important in the evaluation framework. I believe my proposal will address this issue.

7. What do you think about the uncertainty of new guidelines impacting the scores perhaps on the work of guilds? Do you think the next iteration of versioned guidelines should be accountable for next month scoring but not the present one?

A: I think we need a smooth transition towards a stable system and it will take time to get there. If we have a set template based on an objective evaluation framework to follow, we will avoid these iterations often.

8. What are your top 21 guilds, if you had given a chance to vote for today? (Feel free to not chose ours in case, we might end up earning larger community vote some day)

A: I think it would be premature to provide a top-21 guilds list without evaluations. But there are outliers like Pink Network, WAX Sweden, EOS Nation who standout among the other guilds.

9. We had four IGs in the office, starting with Marlon, Rob, Josep and Kaefer. If only these have put their nomination today whom you would have voted (based on their work or communication), and why? Should we have a rating process for IGs?

A: I have been clear about my stance on guild being an OIG, that it’s not ideal. So I think I would have voted for Kaefer. Also I think we are starting to see some real improvements in the quality of reports being generated as well. I think an open feedback system is important to the IGs growth and guilds have to be vocal in sharing their views without the fear of retribution.

10. What will be your elevator pitch asking the community to vote for you?

A: If you are looking to support a young, experienced and passionate IG with a clear improvements plan who brings objectivity to the OIG framework while contributing towards the WAX ecosystem growth then you should support Sukesh Kumar Tedla. I bring my network, first-hand experience and practical solutions to improve the WAX Governance system.

Voting for right Guilds is important to keep this ecosystem thriving, as IGs hold the maximum power. It’s important to vote for good IGs who have a good understanding of dPOS, governance and most importantly could evaluate guilds on different criteria without any biases.

To vote for Sukesh please sign using your wallet and vote here.

About WAX

WAX has created a suite of blockchain-based tools upon which dApps, marketplaces, and native non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are built. These tools include services to support e-commerce operations such as the WAX Cloud Wallet, SSO and OAUTH, a native RNG service, and a developer portal. The resulting technology reportedly represents a blockchain architecture with 500 millisecond block times, is fee-less for customers, and leverages voting rewards to incentivize participation in the selection of block producers and proposals.

About Ledgerwise

Ledgerwise is a top tier validator for DLT projects. We are running enterprise-grade infrastructure combined with world-class Tech to secure the partnered networks. Our 2+ years experience with EOS Metal and Attic Lab operations helps us with a good understanding of staking and governance, also, how infrastructure and decentralization are essential for the security of the network. We are among the very few Block validation services coming out from Indian Blockchain Space. We are currently a Standby WAX Block Producer.




A top tier validator for DLT projects. Running enterprise-grade infrastructure combined with world-class tech to secure the partnered networks.