Crypto, a trendy investment on its way to normalization

Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2022

Interview by Planet-Fintech

The recent study conducted by KPMG and the french association for the democratization of crypto assets have confirmed the growing interest of the French in digital assets. An interest that has been growing for the past few years. The figures speak for themselves, 8% of the French would hold crypto-currencies against 6.7% regarding shares, according to the Financial Market Authority.

The study mentions in particular that “cryptocurrency investors could be bigger if French banks were to open up more to the issue. According to the study, 22% of French people are considering switching banks to a player offering cryptocurrency services, with the rate climbing to 71% among holders of bitcoin, ether and other currencies.” Independent Financial Advisors have the opportunity to be more agile on the subject and thus meet a growing demand from their clients and clients of banks.

These elements reinforce the positioning of cryptocurrencies as a new investment asset class with its own characteristics. Another element that could explain this success is the fact that crypto-currencies carry a “sympathy capital” that stocks do not.

This trend is expected to grow with the marketing power put in place by crypto players wordwide. As an example, the crypto was in the spotlight during the SuperBowl in the United States reaching more than 120 million viewers. Coinbase made the buzz with an ad displaying a QR code wandering on the screen for 1 minute. Result: 20 million connections recorded on their site in the minute following the ad.

According to Pierre-Yves Dittlot, CEO and founder of Ledgity, an all-in-one wealth management application: “Independent Financial Advisors have interest in taking up the topic, as it allows them to reach a new, younger customers while gaining market share with an added value that few players offer today. The next big wave of crypto adoption will certainly involve combining digital assets with traditional assets to build a multi-asset portfolio. This is the main demand from private bank clients and HNWIs and Ledgity is already leading this revolution.”





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