Introduction to Ledgity

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2 min readApr 25, 2018

Ledgity is a platform and mobile application fully dedicated to Security Tokens, starting from their issuance to their exchange. All users finally get access to a technology that is 100% compliant with applicable laws and regulations governing security tokenization.

Thanks to blockchain technology, we can reduce friction costs and increase efficiency and transparency, offering a global, 24/7 market with broader access and liquidity.

We are building an ecosystem where everyone has the same privileges and the same access to investment opportunities, independent of his or her net worth.

Reshaping the Ownership of Assets

Ledgity bridges the gap between the on-chain and off-chain worlds. With Ledgity, you can safely access the best investment opportunities such as equity and debt of promising startups and/or investment funds. Ledgity does not hold your security tokens, but rather enables users to store them in their own cryptographic wallet.

By creating a unique community of validated investors, Ledgity provides one of the safest ways of storing security tokens. Investors can easily hold and exchange digital securities. In order to be validated, transactions must comply with KYC/AML procedures. Our KYC/AML practices are subject to the same standards as those of banking system. In that way, trades are only authorized within the community of investors approved. Every transaction will be stored on the blockchain and each wallet address is tied to a digital ID.

Why are we building Ledgity ?

We believe the market is mature enough to combine the power of blockchain technology with the best practices of crowd capital raising and asset management. The technology, the ecosystem, and the regulatory framework are ready for security token trading using smart contracts.

Imagine a world where exchanging assets and transferring value is as simple as sending a text message.

Let’s make securities frictionless!





Innovative financial services platform that harness the benefits of blockchain technology.