LEDU Token Hodl Reward Program: Thou Shalt Hodl and Live Longer

Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem
3 min readFeb 24, 2018

The goal of making the Education Ecosystem into the destination on the web for professional development in future technology topics won’t be possible without the help of our community. You have contributed greatly during our crowdsale and we are eager to continue this journey with you as we build the ecosystem.

We’d like to introduce the LEDU Token Hodl Reward Program: Thou Shalt Hodl and Live Longer.

The HODL program will reward LEDU token holders by allowing them to earn more tokens for free, just by hodling. It is our way of giving back to those who truly believe in our project.

How it works

1)You must have at least 20,000 LEDU tokens in your ERC20 wallet.

2)On the last day of each month, we will check the wallet addresses for those holding LEDU tokens. If you have at least 20,000 LEDU tokens you will earn 0.25% interest on those LEDU tokens.

3)The process repeats every month. Once you meet the minimum threshold for the HODL rewards then you will receive more tokens.

4)Tokens will be issued in the following month.

5)The interest rate may change on a month to month basis. Announcements will be made on our blog and social media channels.


1)Address A has 80,000 LEDU tokens in their wallet on March 31st. Since they have the minimum amount needed to qualify, in April, Address A will receive a payment of 200 LEDU tokens which is 0.25%.

2)Address B has 20,000 LEDU tokens in their wallet on March 31st. Since they have the minimum amount needed to qualify, in April, Address B will receive a payment of 50 LEDU tokens which is 0.25%.

3)Address C has 15,000 LEDU tokens in their wallet on March 31st. Since they DO NOT have the minimum amount needed to qualify, in April, Address C will receive NO free tokens.

Participation Requirements

1)Tokens held in exchange wallets or which hit exchange wallets during the last 30 days will not be considered for the next pay out.

2)Each person can submit max three ETH addresses. Each ETH address submitted must have at least 20,000 LEDU in it.

3)To participate in the HODL program, register on the Education Ecosystem website.

HODL Conditions

Due to some token holders trying to commit HODL arbitrage there must be no movement of tokens away from wallets for the previous 30 day period. Any token movement will result in disqualification for that month.


A token holder has 500,000 tokens for HODL in their wallet at the beginning of the month but on the 15th moves 250,000 tokens from that wallet. The token holder will now be ineligible for any HODL rewards for that month.

For questions regarding the HODL program, contact our team at: tokens@education-ecosystem.com.

Get Education Token (LEDU)

Get LEDU coins now on Exrates, Livecoin, Mercatox and IDEX or join the LEDU OTC Trading program for large purchases. Read more about LEDU coins on our project page and ask any questions you might have in our Telegram group chat.



Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem

Education Ecosystem (LEDU) is a decentralized project-based learning platform that teaches people how to build tech products, https://www.educationecosystem.com