Continuous Video Player

Lee Delgado
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2018

Business goal: Applying autoplay mobile web technology to our current video experience to keep users engaged with content and drive more ad revenue.

Responsible for: UX • UI • Prototyping


While this was still new on mobile web, I looked at YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat and many others apps and sites for inspiration on how they were indicating to their users that there was a video up next.


Using the inspirations and envisioning how these could work in our product in every scenario.


Users were confused thinking the related embedded video was part of the article and as the next video played, it is no longer related to the article page users are on, so an increase in contrast between the video module and article text was added to separate the two.

The video description was shorten to bring up the article text in view when page loads to let users know there is more content below.



Lee Delgado

12 years of digital design experience. Daily duties involve UX and UI design across multi-platform digital properties.