Outduction — Your Next Steps

Outduction marks a time of transition from your studies here at Leeds ISC, to your studies at your progression university. Outduction includes various events, activities, and information to prepare for university.

From June to July, many students in the UK enter a busy exam and assessment period. For students at Leeds ISC, this time also marks the transition to your progression University. In this blog post, we will discuss this period that we call Outduction and how you can best prepare for progressing to university.

University Events

It is very important to attend any events that are hosted by your progression University. These events will mainly be online via zoom calls. The events will contain talks from staff at the university, they will present information about visas, accommodation, university services, and will give you the opportunity to speak with faculty from your course.

Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

Check Emails

You will have heard many of your tutors and members of the student support team insist on the importance of checking your emails, it becomes even more crucial during the Outduction period. You will receive updates relating to exam resits, exit interviews, results, class changes and much more. It is important you are aware of these as soon as possible, as it gives you more time to prepare and time to ask any questions you might have.

Backing up files from OneDrive/Outlook

While this may not seem too important now, once you have completed your foundation/ first year, you will lose access to your Microsoft Outlook and OneDrive. It is important that you save any work you would like to keep, as well as any important emails. One key document is your transcript, which will be sent to you once your course is completed. Saving this will ensure you have a copy available should you need it for any future applications.

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash


Once your time at Leeds ISC does come to an end, it doesn’t mean that you stop being part of the community. Signing up to our Alumni network is a brilliant way to stay connected with the centre and any exciting updates that we have. Being an Alumni also enables you to join in with special events in centre. This includes chances to speak to new students about your experiences, coming to our yearly awards ceremony, and speaking to the wider Studygroup community. These are great opportunities to gain valuable experience that can be added to your CV.

Sign-up here

Make sure to make the most of this last period of your studies here at Leeds ISC, and take advantage of the activities and information provided during your Outduction.

