Winter Break Survival

Study Group Leeds
Leeds International Study Centre
3 min readDec 19, 2023

As we come towards the end of our first academic term, many students will be excited to have time off from their studies and to possibly return home for the holiday period. However, there may be some challenges for students during this time. In this article we have complied a list of tips and advice for students who may be struggling during the winter break.

Assessment Revision

For students returning in January, you may have summative assessments during first week back. It is important that you keep up with your studies, whilst also allowing yourself to enjoy the time off.

Having a realistic schedule for revision that works for you is a great way to prepare for upcoming assessments. It will help to plan your weeks in advance and avoid leaving work to the last minute.

It is also important to find the revision technique that works best for you. For some students, this could be short studying sessions that are more frequent throughout the week, whilst for others it could be longer session over fewer days.

Informing friends and family that you will be revising can be helpful, as they can try to keep noise levels down when you are revising or ask help to test you about your studies. Keeping in contact with fellow students from Leeds ISC and arranging study session over a video call can be useful, as it is a reminder that you are not the only person prepare for assessment during this time.

Check out these revision resource from University of Leeds and Leeds Beckett University.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Staying in the UK

For students who are remaining in the UK for the holiday period, there are many activities and events you get involved in, as well as ways to stay in touch with friends and family back home.

Christmas Markets take place in many major cities across the UK. This includes Leeds, Manchester, York and London. These markets are great way to see new cities, or in the case of Leeds, see one in a new light.

Many shops during the winter period will have special offers or discounts available. Into early January many shops will try to get rid of excess stock, so it can be a great chance to get some good deals.

Staying in touch with friends who are also staying in the UK for holiday period can also be very important. You can try to organise get togethers during your time off to stay connected with friends and to give yourself something look forward to. You could plan a meal, cinema visit or city trip. The holiday period can feel somewhat isolating for those who are away from home, so being around others can be more important than ever.

Returning Home for the Holidays

If you are returning home for the winter break, it is important to try and make the most of your time back home, without overwhelming yourself.

It is important to do things that you enjoy in your home country. For instance, eating a specific food or snack that you like in your home country, especially if you have not been able to find it while in the UK.

When you return home, especially if it is the first time you have returned home since you came to study at Leeds, it can feel like you need to see all your family and friends again. While this can be wonderful, as reconnecting with loved ones is fantastic, this could lead to social burnout and not taking the time needed to rest during the holiday period. Try to arrange days that work best and still make sure there much needed time for rest.

Homesickness might not seem like an immediate concern for when you return home, but it can still manifest itself. You have spent a not insignificant amount of time away from home, for some students this could be the first time every away from home. Going back may seem strange, as things might not be quite as you remember them. This is quite common and can be just a adjustment period as you get back into the routine of being back home.

For more information, see our blog on Culture Re-Shock.

