Belonging at Leeds

Tamsin Scott
Leeds University Union
4 min readAug 8, 2018

Don’t tell anyone, but the only reason I came to Leeds University was so I could get a day off college. Literally. It seems a long time ago for me now, but as a fresh faced 16 year old in the midst of exams, I was looking for any excuse to get away from college for the day. So on the bus I got, from my home of Wakefield to Leeds City Centre (don’t ask me why I got the 45 minute bus instead of 10 minute train, I don’t know either) (Honestly, the train’s cheaper too). I walked up to the University, and joined a tour around the Union building, which basically sealed my fate of going to Leeds.

Prior to visiting, I’d never heard of a Union before, but I knew that this building was for me. I loved the atmosphere, and really felt like I could be part of something bigger at Leeds — everyone was so friendly and made so much effort to make me feel at home. On the bus back, I was so excited to be able to join the community at Leeds, and was even going through a Give It A Go booklet to see all the events I could attend, a whole year early.

Fast forward to now, August 2018, and the Union is still where I belong at Leeds. In my first year I joined the radio station, LSR, and was a panel member on the show Political Animal. To be honest I was only interested in LSR because I fancied someone at the Freshers Stand, but it turned out to be one of the best things I ever did — I had so much fun with the other people on the show, and I learned so much about both politics and myself.

Also during my time at Leeds, I was on the committee for the LGBTQ* Society. I joined at quite a tough time in my life, and it gave me so much hope and happiness, and I can’t thank it enough. I really felt supported and I was given so many great opportunities through the society. During final year, I was a School Rep (along with your Education Officer Serene!) for my home school of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies. I set up a Health and Wellbeing Day within my school, and this is one of the proudest things I achieved through my time at Leeds — it was so much fun, and really solidified the sense of community within schools.

I do want to stress, however, that no matter how much or little you get involved with the Union, or your School, or your Halls, it’s your friends that really make you belong at Leeds. I found my fit in LUU, but I couldn’t have found my fit at University without my group of loving, caring, supportive, hilarious best friends that I love to bits. We lived together for 2 years, and it was the best two years of my life. They say that the friends you make at Uni are your friends for life, and honestly I already know that’s true. No matter how hard your day at Uni is, or if an event you’ve planned hasn’t gone quite right, or if Terrace has sold out of olives and houmous, your friends are always there to put on Queer Eye, dance with you around the kitchen and pick you back up (both figuratively and literally — my dance moves aren’t what they used to be).

The idea of ‘belonging’ is different for everyone, but with the support of both yourself and your friends, you can find your fit in Leeds. I wish you the best of luck, and if you ever need any help, advice, or just want to hang out for a little bit, our door is always open.

All the love,

Tamsin x

