Leeds University Union: Sanitary Product Consultation

Matt Port
Leeds University Union
2 min readOct 31, 2018
“person's hand on silver MacBook” by rawpixel on Unsplash

Have you ever missed teaching due to your period? Is affording your period becoming a strain on your bank account? We want to hear your stories!

As of today, I have started a short consultation on how the University of Leeds and Leeds University Union can best help those who menstruate.

As I stated on my manifesto back at the start of 2018, I want to push the University to provide free sanitary products in all bathrooms on campus. To help illustrate how much of a concern this topic is for students and staff across campus, I’ve put together a super quick form for you to fill out to share your experiences and/or suggestions.

Your experiences are crucial to understanding how we can all move towards a campus that responds to and understands the people who work and study on it.

The form can be completed anonymously, but it would be really helpful if you could fill out the personal details section, too. It would help us paint the beautifully diverse image of those who menstruate here at Leeds. The consultation document is really short but please pack in as much information as you want to.

The form is below and the deadline for responding to the consultation is 14th November 2018.

So let’s change attitudes… period.

