Happiness or Contentment?

Leena Jain
Leena’s portfolio
Jun 20, 2019

Wondering what is the difference? Well here’s to help you figure out what it truly means. Before I philosophize this, here are some points to consider!

Image by @benwhitephotography

Happiness is that fennel ice-cream you tried out of fancy and enjoyed. Contentment is your regular, consistent chocolate soft serve you savored with your folks after the end of a day.

Happiness is that tequila shot you had with your friends at a strange pub. Contentment is an aged glass of wine you enjoy with your close circle, celebrating your promotion.

Happiness is that promotion at the corporate workplace you longed for. Contentment is the completion of a challenging deadline, and fulfillment to wake up for a Monday morning.

Happiness is that first kiss with your crush at a random party somewhere. Contentment is a building of a deep connection with your person, emerging into a wholesome relationship.

Happiness is the birth of a child, and taking it in your arms for the first time. Contentment is seeing the child cry, laugh, grow, speak, walk, poop everyday and striving to be capable of the responsibility.

Happiness is fleeting. Contentment is everlasting. Both are an important part of your life, yet what do you want to strive for? Temporal happiness or consistent contentment? Happy moments will come and go, and they shall, without having to beating yourself up about them. But contentment, finding purpose and meaning, it’s worth fighting for. Strive for contentment, even the tough days will be fulfilling. While happiness fuels contentment, contentment keeps you grounded, and going.



Leena Jain
Leena’s portfolio

Advocating for users to inform design, business, technology and policy decisions towards a more equitable world. Currently Principal UXR @PeepalDesign