Introducing Sickness Management with LeeveBot

Dan Edwards
Leeve Latest
Published in
4 min readApr 3, 2018


Our goal with LeeveBot has always been to make it as easy as possible for you to take time off when you need it, it’s why we chose to build our app “Slack first” since it’s where we spend so much of our day already.

Since we launched, one of our biggest feature requests has been the ability to mark yourself as sick and to allow approvers to manage sickness for team members.

🚢 And today we’ve shipped it!

Let’s dig into exactly how this works, remember everything we’re showing here can be done in Slack, so it’s nice and easy to do on your phone, tablet, or whatever device you want to use.

🌡 Reporting yourself as sick

It all starts with one simple command /leevebot sickness

You’ll be presented with a couple of options, Report Sickness and List Past Sickness (if you’ve been sick previously).

Clicking Report Sickness will bring up a dialog where you can report your sickness and add a reason (this is optional and will only be visible to approvers).

As a timesaver, LeeveBot detects the current date and automatically sets this as the sickness start date, but you can change this as needed.

When you submit the Start Sickness dialog form, your team approvers will be notified of your absence.

🙌 Back to work!

When you’re ready to come back to work the same command, /leevebot sickness, will present the option for you to end the sickness period.

Once you end your sickness period, your team approvers will be notified that you’re back to work.

📆 Keeping track of your sickness

If you want to review your past sickness click List Past Sickness.

Past sickness is listed in date or with your most recent absence first.

👑 Advanced features for approvers

As an approver you have a few additional options for managing sickness.

Firstly you can manage sickness on behalf of another employee by prefixing the sickness command with their username:

/leevebot @username sickness

You will be presented with an interface to manage the sickness of the employee you specified.

As you can see, there’s the option to report sickness on this person’s behalf and list their past sickness and an additional option to Backdate Sickness.

📆 Backdating Sickness

This is really handy for those times where either the person who was ill forgot to report their sickness.

When you select this option you are presented with a dialog form similar to the Start Sickness dialog, but with the option to specify an start and end date all at once.

When you add a backdated sickness period, any other approvers on your team are automatically notified along with employee you’re recording the sickness for.

1️⃣ One more thing…

Deleting sickness, it’s not something that happens regularly but if you accidentally report the wrong sickness period, record a duplicate sickness, or any other mistakes, then this is for you!

As an approver you can also delete a sickness period through List Past Sickness. Each sickness period will have a Delete action associate with it.

✅ Give it a go!

If you’d like to give LeeveBot a go, we have a 14 day free trial and after that it’s just £1 per person a month.

👉 Sign up today 👈

