10 Makeup Hacks for Cyprus Hot Summer

Madina Yermekova
Published in
4 min readJun 15, 2017

In the summertime we feel that everything is changing. Unlike winter we don’t have that big of a problem with dry skin and vitamin deficiency. But summer also needs special care. At first it’s our sun! The summer weather in Cyprus as we all know is a little too much. The sun here can ruin your makeup in 10 minutes. I’ll share with you some hacks that you need to use to make your makeup last longer.

1) Use primer under your foundation. It’s very important because primer prevents any harm or dirt, protecting your skin with SPF protection from UVA and UVB rays. Equally important, your foundation will stick to your primer so it will help extend your makeup life longer.

2) It is preferred to use BB cream instead of your usual foundation. Most of BB creams already have primer on their formula. A lot of people say that BB cream is good for winter, it is partly true as BB creams have some vitamins and a moisturizing effect. With BB cream your pores have fewer chances of inflammation than with foundation. Usually foundations either lack or have SPF 15 which is very low for protection from UVA and UVB rays, but good BB creams have higher SPF.

3) Use lip tint instead of lipstick. Lip tint will not make you feel uncomfortable. It will stay for a long time. Bonus: you can eat and drink freely!

4) Henna for eyebrows! Beauty salons can help you with this in a professional way! This procedure will take from 10 to 20 minutes and the effect will stay for up to a month. Usually it doesn’t cost a lot. No worries about your look in the swimming pool or the sea. No more of drawing your eyebrows every single day.

5) Ice cubes and tea bags. In the summer we find ourselves struggling with water balance and sometimes you wake up with a face like a balloon. In this situation you can use tea bags or ice cubes. Take your tea bag and put it inside hot water. Now you can choose between two ways to do it. First one is to make your tea bag sit at room temperature and then apply it to your eyes closed for 5–10 minutes. Remove and clean your face under cold water. The Second way is to make tea and soak cotton wool or a pad into your tea, use the same process as the first way. As for ice cubes, it is better to use them only in special conditions. Doing the procedure wrong may cause you problems! Use only at your own risk. Apply ice cubes fast around your skin for not more than 10–15 seconds. You can use cucumber or rose water to create ice cubes.

6) Do not use waterproof mascaras. Any waterproof mascara can ruin or break off your eyelashes because of the thick formula. Better apply normal good quality mascaras.

7) If you have oily skin type, when you want to correct your makeup use oil absorbing sheets and apply your powder only after removing oil. Do not use your powder on top of oil, it will block your pores and cause you acne and blackheads.

8) Use facial scrub not more than 1–2 times a week. Even with soft scrub, overuse will hurt your skin. But it is necessary to use it at least once a week.

9) If you want your makeup to last all day you can use a ‘’setting spray’’. Close your eyes, apply it with a distance of 15 cm when finishing up with your makeup. Keep your eyes closed until it fully dries.

10) Use translucent loose powder. If you want your makeup to stay all day, this thing can help you a lot! This powder is white in the jar and invisible on your skin. It is much softer and lighter. Translucent powder is not for color correction, it was made specially to make your makeup stay longer.

These are some of the tricks I decided to share with you! Love yourself and stay pretty!

