Girls — Beware of Feminists

Thejendra Sreenivas
The Town Square Radio
9 min readNov 30, 2022


Image from Pixabay

Hello, young and confident Indian women. Do you want to put yourselves in serious trouble? Do you also want to put your parents, siblings, relatives, friends, and coworkers in police and legal trouble? Do you want to ruin the reputation of your family? Do you want to depend on unknown strangers for your safety? Do you want to experience how cruel the outside world can be? Do you want to come home ruined or end up lifeless in a sack or suitcase? If your answer is no, then continue reading.

Recently there was a deadly crime in India on a young woman who was in a live-in relationship with a boy from another religion (search for Shraddha-Aftab murder case). She had rebelled against her parents, ditched them, cut off communication, and ran away with him to another city to start a live-in relationship. She never interacted with her parents for months even though they were trying to get in touch with her. However, when her phone went off for several weeks her father approached the police to find out what happened. When the police investigated they discovered a savage crime. Her boyfriend had killed her, cut the body into several pieces, stored them in a fridge in his own apartment, and quietly disposed of the pieces one by one over several weeks in a forest nearby. To add to the horror, he was also frolicking with other girlfriends in the same house while her body pieces were in the fridge and was leading his life as if nothing has happened.

Cunningly he was also operating the social media accounts of his dead girlfriend to not arouse suspicion among her friends. When the police finally caught him he confessed to the killing and all his other gory acts. While this can be one example that got wide media attention there are hundreds of similar examples of women who have run away with their boyfriends and disappeared permanently. Unfortunately, not every case gets media attention due to various factors.

Do you know the single biggest reason for such crimes? It’s feminism. Girls get into trouble due to advice and ideas from rancid feminists who destroy families. Today’s girls are facing such troubles because they fall into the trap of toxic feminism to rebel against family norms, ditch parents, and destroy their lives. Today, toxic feminism is the biggest reason why young immature girls are becoming arrogant and harebrained. They are being fed the bogus idea of My-Life, My-Rules where they think they have become fully mature enough to take on the world. But they do not realize the world outside is a terrible place and even strong men cannot survive alone. This article will summarize the various problems young girls will face in society if they listen to feminists and go for a live-in relationship.

Lessons to be learned

Lesson-1: India is a highly conservative country. The first lesson is no respectable landlord will rent their homes to couples with live-in relationships. The only places they can rent a home will be in shady and dangerous areas where they have to pay high rent to coax the owners to accept them.

Lesson-2: Once you walk out of your home you are all alone in the world. Your feminist heroism, arrogance, and violence that you confidently exhibited on your parents, brothers, and well-wishers do not work outside. Secondly, if your boyfriend turns out to be a thug, drunkard, pervert, and money leech you will become his hostage.

Lesson-3: The outside world is a cruel and heartless place. Neighbors, strangers, and coworkers will not come to your help when you get involved in daily domestic violence. After all, why will they get involved in police/courts? They have their own lives and headaches to manage.

Lesson-4: No loudmouth feminist will come to help when you are in trouble even if you personally know them. The only thing that those clowns do is (when you get injured or killed) they will quickly rush to TV shrieking why your neighbors, friends, co-workers, strangers, police, homeowners, etc., didn’t protect you. But why will outsiders get involved? Will you or your family members get involved if two strangers are fighting on the road or in some home on your street?

Lesson-5: No girl can say marriage is her own decision and she will do whatever she wants. Later, when you come home ruined or inside a sack or suitcase it’s not you who will be facing the next set of harrowing troubles. It’s your parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, coworkers, friends, etc., who will get entangled in police and legal gymnastics. They will have to attend our suffocating police and court hearings and participate in the investigation for years and even decades. Your happiness is not so paramount that they have to endure all these hassles because of your arrogance and immaturity. Secondly, they have not given your permission to put them in serious trouble. Also remember, what goes around comes back. So, your children may put you in the same trouble years later.

Lesson-6: Don’t assume that you or your family will get justice in weeks or months. The process in India can go on for years and decades. Your case is just one among the hundreds of criminal cases that enter the courts every day. Nobody will have any sympathy or urgency for your case regardless of how gory it was. No police, court, feminist, or the media will come and offer solace to your parents when your live-in relationship explodes. Do you think lawyers are truly concerned about your self-inflicted troubles? For them, you are just one more client who can be fleeced dry. So, ask if your puppy love is so paramount that your family/friends will have to endure all these headaches for your sake.

Lesson-7: Just because you have become an educated adult who can vote, drive a vehicle, and get a fancy job doesn’t mean the world outside has become a safe place and all your friends are trustworthy angels. Raw confidence is not physical capability. Just because there is some female Tarzan somewhere on the planet who can fight with alligators barehanded doesn’t mean you can also become like her and fight with rogue men who may attack you. Women are equal to men only in the fantasy world of social media, seminars, TV studios, and court arguments. But the real world is a rogue man’s world. A mugger can turn your life upside down in an instant. Besides, who can teach the countless vagabonds, perverts, hoodlums, drunkards, drug addicts, rich spoiled brats, and maniacs loitering on the streets to behave properly with women? In India we say, if a silk cloth falls on thorns or the thorns fall on it, it’s the silk cloth that gets ruined.

Lesson-8: Think of all the other troubles you may face without a family to support you. If your boyfriend meets with an accident/death you will have to manage the nursing/hospital/cremation alone. If the boy ditches you before/after a child is born you will have to raise it alone. If your boyfriend walks in with another girl you will have to tolerate it and cry alone. If your boyfriend becomes a drunkard or money leech you will have to pay for his expenses.

Lesson-9: If you have walked out of your home arrogantly claiming that you can live alone, live with anyone, and marry anyone, then you won’t be able to go back to your home easily if you get into serious trouble. This is because your ego won’t permit it. If you run back home frightened you will become a laughingstock in front of everyone.

Lesson-10: Whether you like it or not, marriages should have the approval of parents, elders, and well-wishers who will do a proper background verification and several interviews like in jobs. In companies, even for a junior job, they will do five rounds of interviews and various background verification before hiring. Why do they do that? They do that to avoid hiring a crook. Similarly, you need multiple rounds of interviews to see if you are getting the right partner who will take care of you for a lifetime.

Lesson-11: Now you may argue that marriages also have heaps of problems and parents push their daughters into abusive marriages. Let me tell you no parent will push his daughter into an abusive relationship. Have you seen any matrimonial ads seeking an abusive husband for their daughter? Abuse happens for various reasons and not doing proper background verification and compatibility checks. Secondly, even if trouble starts in a marriage there will be parents and relatives on both sides who will come to your rescue and support you. You will not be tackling the problems alone like when you run away.

Lesson-12: All religions are not equal and it’s foolish and dangerous to believe they are all equal. Just because multi-religious people work in the office doesn’t mean you can marry or live with anyone. The office is mere business. Home is about the lifelong compatibility of religion, tradition, culture, values, customs, diet, lifestyle, dress, etc. For example, it’s not possible to live with people or relatives who belong to the same caste/religion as yours because of their irksome behaviors. So, how will you live happily with someone whose lifestyles are 180 degrees apart from yours? Secondly, people behave differently in the office and at home. The collaborative and friendly behavior of employees in the office is artificial because of HR policies and threats of dismissal for bad behavior. But no such restrictions exist at homes and the devil can be unleashed.

Lesson-13: Even if you are highly qualified, you may not always have a steady job and may become unemployed for months and years. Will you have enough money to tide over such difficulties? Secondly, you will not be young and energetic forever. You will also fall sick and grow old day by day. Just go to any park and see lonely elderly women sitting alone with forced smiles and no family members to help them. They will be unable to do their daily activities and will depend on strangers to cross the road, climb the stairs, and help them in other ways.

Lesson-14: Finally, maturity is not confidence. Also, confidence and self-congratulations are not capabilities. Ditching your parents/family and staying alone or with someone is not a joke. It’s sheer immaturity. True maturity is knowing the importance of parents and relatives who will stand by you when you get into trouble. Maturity is knowing that the world outside is cruel and merciless. Maturity is knowing that you can’t eternally depend on strangers, police, courts, coworkers, friends, etc., for your safety. Maturity is knowing that you can’t live alone for years and decades. Maturity is knowing that the city is not safe and that all your friends are not trustworthy angels. Maturity is knowing that you can fall sick, meet with an accident, or get killed by someone if you are living alone and your family may not know about it for weeks and months. Maturity is knowing that you can be duped, blackmailed, kidnapped, and exploited by criminals if you are staying alone. Maturity is knowing the importance of traditions, culture, values, customs, etc., without rejecting them. Maturity is knowing that you can’t handle criminals alone. Maturity is knowing that a job and a smartphone are not enough for your safety or survival.

Had enough? If you want more watch the crime news or documentaries. Now, remember this wise quote to know what to do and not do in life.

The scars of others should teach us caution - St. Jerome

~ 🤵 About the Author — Thejendra Sreenivas was a Technology Manager in the IT industry for nearly 30 years. He is now an Author and Book Publishing Coach and helps authors to Self-Publish their books Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon retailers. He has written 30+ books on various topics. Visit his online cave — for more details.

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Thejendra Sreenivas
The Town Square Radio

Book Publishing Coach helping authors to Self-Publish Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon platforms -