The Amazing Power of Fathers

Thejendra Sreenivas
The Town Square Radio
7 min readJan 23, 2023


Image from Pixabay

As you would have observed, mothers have always been recognized and appreciated for the enormous role they play in the physical, psychological, and emotional rearing of children. While that’s true, what is rarely discussed and even suppressed are the immense roles of the father. For example, people and media make more fuss over Mother’s day than Father’s day. The high decibel trumpeting in TV/Print media, social media hashtags, and celebrations in schools, colleges, offices, clubs, and homes will be in the range of 90% for Mother’s day. The loud drumbeats, posters, and self-congratulations will start a week before the actual day. But for father’s day, it will be a subdued 10% noise and will just be a fleeting mention in the media. Fathers are also taken for granted and easily made fun of.

This is why many people and young children grow up thinking that a father’s role is just to provide financial stability, pay the bills, fix your bike, and just be a nice handyman or bellboy around the house. Such thinking gets engrained because the women empowerment hysteria being peddled in the media gives extraordinary importance and indispensability to mothers and downgrades or does not discuss the immense role of fathers in family and society.

But the importance of fathers is more to be experienced than just discussed. Let me highlight the amazing power of fathers,

Pillar of Strength — Studies have shown that children who have a responsible and involved father have higher IQs and general knowledge than those who do not. For example, a supportive, funny, and communicative father can give superior life lessons to their children than their mother. A firm and responsible father is a stronger pillar in the development of a child’s emotional well-being as it is he who lays down the rules of the home rules and enforces them.

This is very important as it will provide a feeling of security and inner strength to children and they will try to emulate him. So, children will model themselves after their father’s character in their later life. A responsible father is a lifelong inspiration for every child throughout his or her life.

Safety Aspects — Fathers are always paranoid about the safety of their families. They know how dangerous the outside world is more than mothers. So, fathers can also teach the do’s and don’t of the harsh outside world to their sons and especially to daughters better than mothers. This is because fathers know the types of dangerous men and boys who exist in the world outside.

Nation Building — It’s responsible fathers who have struggled, slogged, and died by the millions, unsung with pitiable salaries, to make the world a better place by creating gigantic infrastructure, home improvements, and invented devices to protect and nurture their women. Every nation’s infrastructure, inside and outside the home, has always been built and maintained by responsible fathers. It’s only fathers who can do the countless dirty, difficult, and dangerous jobs inside and outside the home necessary for human survival.

Look at these examples. Women can enjoy that nice hot shower, cook dishes, wash clothes, etc., because of the hardworking men who have laid the massive network of pipes to bring water, gas, and electricity into our homes and offices. Women can fill shopping carts with goodies because of hardworking men who are sweating in the background to fill those supermarkets. Women can drive those cushy air-conditioned cars or travel in trains, ships, and planes because of men who have built the greasy and massive transport infrastructure. The list is endless.

If you look around, women are only involved in desk, administrative, or cushy corporate jobs and not backbreaking physical work. Though women loudly claim that they are equal to men and can do everything that men do, that equality demonstration is only in the fantasy world of social media, seminars, speeches, and legal gymnastics in courts. In the real world, you will never see women volunteering to be masons, plumbers, drivers, carpenters, miners, electricians, welders, fitters, repairmen, diggers, and thousands of other essential back-breaking jobs required to build and maintain a society. You will only see some sporadic examples of some women doing such jobs somewhere on our planet. This automatically means men do 99% of the work needed to build and maintain a village, city, or country. This also means that the real world is a responsible father’s world and hence will always be a man’s world.

Taking Credit — Fathers are also shy and hesitant to take credit for their enormous effort and contributions. For example, even though it’s the father who planned, slogged, and struggled to arrange the finances to build a cozy home he will gladly and selflessly give that crown and their laurels to his wife, daughter, mother, sister, etc.

National Security — Also, throughout history, it’s responsible men who have waged countless wars, and battles, and died in horrendous ways to protect their women from other male savages, invaders, and vandals. Women can sleep peacefully only because responsible men are guarding their nation’s borders and streets ready to kill or get killed to protect their women and the nation from slave-trading savages. Also, in any crisis or calamity, men give priority to the safety of women and children and not men and boys.

Finally, we can conclude this article with a great poem on fathers written by an unknown amazing person.

4 years old: My daddy can do anything.

5 years old: My daddy knows a whole lot.

6 years old: My dad is smarter than your dad.

8 years old: My dad doesn’t know exactly everything.

10 years old: In the olden days, when my dad grew up, things were sure different.

12 years old: Oh, well, naturally, Dad doesn’t know anything about that. He is too old to remember his childhood.

14 years old: Don’t pay any attention to my dad. He is so old-fashioned.

21 years old: Him? My Lord, he’s hopelessly out-of-date.

25 years old: Dad knows about it, but then he should, because he has been around so long.

30 years old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he’s had a lot of experience.

35 years old: I’m not doing a single thing until I talk to Dad.

40 years old: I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise.

50 years old: I’d give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn’t appreciate how smart he was. I could have learned a lot from him.

Some Quotes on Fathers

Wisdom, Compassion, and Courage are the Three Universally Recognized Moral Qualities of Men — Confucius.

That is the thankless position of the father in the family — the provider for all, and the enemy of all –J. August Strindberg

Son, there are times a man has to do things he doesn’t like to, in order to protect his family –Ralph Moody

My father didn’t tell me how to live. He lived and let me watch him do it — Clarence Budington Kelland

A girl’s father is the first man in her life, and probably the most influential –David Jeremiah

My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass.’ ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys — Harmon Killebrew

Being a great father is like shaving. No matter how good you shaved today, you have to do it again tomorrow — Reed Markham

A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow — Unknown

A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society — Billy Graham

~ 🤵 About the Author — Thejendra Sreenivas was a Technology Manager in the IT industry for nearly 30 years. He is now an Author and Book Publishing Coach and helps authors to Self-Publish their books Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon retailers. He has written 30+ books on various topics. Visit his online cave — for more details.

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Thejendra Sreenivas
The Town Square Radio

Book Publishing Coach helping authors to Self-Publish Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon platforms -