What is Hinduism and Hindutva?

Thejendra Sreenivas
The Town Square Radio
5 min readNov 24, 2022


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Of late, our pseudo-seculars and leftists have started taking a deep interest in Hinduism, Vedas, etc., and have overnight reached a doctorate coaching level where they can advise and criticize Hindus on their religion. And in their deep research, they have discovered a revolutionary concept that no Hindus had bothered to find out for ages and that is Hindutva.

According to the leftists, Hindutva is sheer violence used by Hindus to harass anyone they don’t like. They advise Hindus to renounce violent Hindutva and practice only Hinduism, a gentle and cuddly form that tolerates all nonsense, insults, and attacks like the rubbish that Gandhi used to preach (statements like turn the other cheek if someone slaps you or Hindus should face death cheerfully).

But little do the leftist dolts know that righteous violence to eliminate evil is an essential part of Hinduism. Even a cursory reading of Amar Chitra Katha, Chandamama, Ramayana, or Mahabharata books will teach anyone that Hinduism has four ways to deal with problems — Saama, Dhana, Bhedha, and Dhanda.

1. Saama — Diplomacy
2. Dhana — Sacrifice
3. Bhedha — Division
4. Dhanda — Punishment

Saama — The policy of conciliation that involves explaining, requesting, advising, etc., to solve an issue. First, try to solve this through peaceful dialogue and negotiations. It’s believed this is in the best interest of both parties to resolve things before it becomes a conflict situation.

Dhana — If the desired outcome is not solved through Saama method, then try to appease the other person by giving rewards or monetary compensation, granting favors, etc. For example, if words cannot win over a person then money will usually do.

Bhedha — This method involves sowing dissension in the enemy or opposite party rank leading to a division among them. The intention here is to weaken the opposite party by turning the members or allies against each other.

Dhanda — This is the last method and is to be used only after the failure of the above three methods. Dhanda would mean the destruction of the enemy, waging war, seizing their property, and total annihilation of the enemy

So, to summarize, Hinduism has all types of methods to solve a problem and can be compared to the below medical treatment options.

Hinduism = Ointments, Syrups, and Tablets.

Hindutva = Injections, Surgery, and Amputation.

Both medical treatments are needed depending on the kind of mild and wild ailments you are treating. Similarly, all four methods are required depending on the type of enemy or problem you are facing.

All our Hindu gods have used violence when good methods have failed. Ramayana, Mahabharata, Dashavatara, Puranas, etc., have plenty of examples of wars and battles between good and evil. So, it’s foolish of leftists to advise Hindus that one should use only gentle methods regardless of the provocation by evil forces.

All Hindu gods carry deadly weapons and would decimate evil demons like Rakshasas and Asuras without any regret or peace deals. And here is a list of Hindu gods and the weapons they carry.

Vishnu — The invincible Mace and Sudarshana Chakra.

Dashaavatara — Various weapons.

Shiva — The invincible Trident, Bow, and his laser third eye that can annihilate the universe if necessary.

Brahma — Brahma Astra — The ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

Ganesha — An expert in all weapons. Even as a young child he made all the mighty gods surrender before him to obey his mother’s wish.

Subramanya — His deadly Javelin or Vel.

Hanuman — The invincible Mace.

Durga and Kali — An invincible set of weapons and riding a tiger.

Krishna — Sudarshan Chakra.

Rama — The invincible Bow and Arrow

Lakshmi — In one of her many forms, Veera Lakshmi, she carries various weapons.

Indra — The diamond thunderbolt and many other weapons.

Kamadhenu — The divine cow who could generate an army of invincible warriors if needed.

All the junior gods also carried some form of weapon that had powers obtained from the top weapons. Even the sages who had renounced all material possessions had the mighty power to curse anyone or invoke powerful weapons if needed.


People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf — George Orwell

Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires — Niccolo Machiavelli

~ 🤵 About the Author — Thejendra Sreenivas was a Technology Manager in the IT industry for nearly 30 years. He is now an Author and Book Publishing Coach and helps authors to Self-Publish their books Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon retailers. He has written 30+ books on various topics. Visit his online cave — www.thejendra.com for more details.

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Thejendra Sreenivas
The Town Square Radio

Book Publishing Coach helping authors to Self-Publish Worldwide on Amazon and Non-Amazon platforms - www.thejendra.com