5 Sublime Traits Will Make You a More Desirable Friend

Adopt them and watch your friendship bloom

Boateng Sekyere
The Relaxed Life


Photo by alexandra lammerink on Unsplash

As we navigate the waters of life, we often clutch at some pillars to stand firm in the shifting sands under our feet. One of these pillars is friendship.

Research published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that most adults have at least one close friend.

It shows the importance of friendships and why everyone has to invest some time and effort in nurturing a quality friendship.

Among the new friends we make and the old friends we miss, some little traits we exhibit can leave the biggest impression and make us more desirable. Simple, everyday things that come at the hefty cost of only a little thoughtfulness. Let’s dive right in then.

You show your friends you care about their families

Who wouldn’t like to share some fascinating story about their family if they got the opportunity? I bet not too many will take a pass on that.

But because some people can’t wait for their turn to update everyone on their new car, they miss out on this golden opportunity to engage their friends in an emotional conversation.



Boateng Sekyere
The Relaxed Life

Writer | Photographer in Accra. Grab my free guide on how to write more engaging articles here: https://bit.ly/writ-guide. Say hi at boatengwrites@outlook.com