Eric Trump is a Shitiot.

Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2020

May 17, 2020.

So by now you have probably heard or read that Eric Trump, youngest son of Donald Trump, claimed on Fox News that the Democrats are using the coronavirus to keep Donald Trump from campaign rallies.

The younger Trump, a guest on a Fox News show whose name I won’t mention (trust me, I don’t even like typing Fox News), made these claims in the midst of the worst health and economic crisis in the United States in more than one hundred years.

It is stunning the depths to which the Trump family will go to ignite their fanbase: to suggest that anyone is keeping Donald Trump from rallies is ludicrous. With the pandemic raging, Democrats truly want people to take all recommended precautions to protect themselves.

The rest of us, however, would be all too happy to see “50,000” Trump fans pile into an arena and get coronavirus. I, for one, would dance in the streets if these ignoramuses ignored the pleas of the CDC, NIH, and every American public health official and got sick from COVID19. Drink the Kool-Aid, I say: if you think it’s a hoax, then go for it!

As for stupid people like Eric Trump calling it a hoax, well, I have got something to say to him directly.

Hoax, you little idiot?

There are over 90,000 dead Americans. At least 36 million are unemployed. The airlines, car manufacturers, even the wars are shut down. The grocery stores are out of toilet paper, Lysol, and bleach wipes, not to mention meat. The schools are closed: the colleges. The NBA, NHL, MLB, are all shut down and the NFL held its draft from the basement of the Commissioner. Restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, and concerts are closed or cancelled.

Look you little dumbass, this is real: America is in BIG trouble because that excuse you call a father is not any better at being faithful to the nation than he was at being faithful to your mother.

He is an idiot, and you are the shit of an idiot: you’re a SHITIOT!

Before you make any further stupid remarks, do us all a favor — get a job!

For someone who has never worked a single day in his entire life — sitting there in his little Ivory Tower lying to the world of idiots about how it’s all phony — you need to first get a job before you speak (I hear the meat-packing plants could use a few more workers). Get out of the safety of your luxury apartment, strip off your mask, tell the Secret Service to stay away, and get a real damn job. Go to work you little jagoff, in the real world — where grown-ups have to earn their own way, not live off of Daddy’s stolen money — before you ever open your stupid mouth again.


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© Timothy J. Sabo

