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Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again
Published in
4 min readOct 9, 2020


According to Trump & the GOP

If you didn’t see the news the other day, don’t be too hard on yourself-we are living in the middle of an avalanche of News that crushes us daily.

Trump made what many said was another crazy statement about stimulus talks between Republicans and Democrats; he demanded those talks end, stating that he wanted to wait until after the election. Most who read this statement thought Trump was, once again, acting like an economic idiot, not realizing how much this would hurt millions of Americans and kill any chance of him winning re-election.

But Donald Trump is NOT an economic idiot, nor is he trying to throw the election. Donald Trump is brilliant, actually. Not like Einstein brilliant: more like Hitler brilliant.

Donald Trump doesn’t care about the millions of Americans out of work right now due to his mismanagement of the coronavirus. Donald Trump doesn’t care if people or small businesses get the financial assistance they need-right now-to survive. Donald Trump cares only about one thing: MONEY.

In 2017, Donald Trump and his pals in the Republican Congress pushed through the largest tax cut for wealthy Americans in history. This outrageous, outlandish new tax law gave significant tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans and the largest corporations-Trump’s REAL BASE. He did this to buy their votes, their support for times like these.

With numerous Republican office-holders throughout the nation about to lose their seats, Trump-and Mitch McConnell-are using political action committees (PACs) to spend millions upon millions of dollars for campaign ads in an effort to save the Republican Party. The money for these groups comes from the billionaires who directly benefited from those 2017 tax cuts; they are now ‘donating’ millions in support back to Trump and McConnell in the hopes they can retain control of the U.S. government and keep taxes low for the rich. Talk about your quid-pro-quo.

After seeing Trump squander millions already on a losing campaign, these billionaires are getting a bit nervous, and after spending so much-with little to show for it-they wanted a ‘return’ on their investment: they demanded Trump do something to get them their money back.

And he did just that.

When Trump tweeted that he no longer wanted to make a deal on stimulus until after the election, the Stock Market did exactly what he knew it would do: it tanked. When the market tanks, stock prices fall, creating a perfect opportunity for those who have money-like those who just got that enormous windfall from the Trump tax cuts-to buy stocks at a much lower price. And as he has done repeatedly throughout his term, after tweeting or saying something seemingly ignorant to cause the Market to fall, Trump ‘changes his mind’ after a few days, and we all watch the Market rebound. Which in turn puts a whole lot of new money into the bank accounts of those wealthy friends of Trump.

If you think it’s an accident that Donald Trump says seemingly ignorant things like this, you would be wrong. If you think Trump does not understand the economy-he doesn’t-you can make that argument, but he has never tried to understand it. Trump only cares about MONEY, and the MONEY he can make for his wealthy backers by jiggering the Market with seemingly stupifying comments.

Trump has played Americans for four years, and he has played the Market with his Tweets and commentary, causing wild fluctuations in value, all to the profit of his billionaire buddies. Trump is no dummy: he is EVIL. Like Hitler, he uses his knowledge and power to steal and cheat, and when that doesn’t work out, he lies to cover it up. He is a master manipulator, both of people and the Stock Market. He is beyond all else, a traitor, focusing on how he can help build up the wealth of his financial backers, not building up American citizens or the U.S. economy.

After this election, when Joe Biden finally takes office, I hope he appoints Elizabeth Warren and Katie Porter to head a commission to investigate these financial shenanigans. We need to uncover this criminal activity and prosecute those who participated and benefited from it.

Donald Trump is no dummy; but he is no good either.

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©Timothy J. Sabo

