I wish you could just shut your big YAPPER!

Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again
Published in
7 min readJan 8, 2021

Graham’s press conference shows America his true allegiance.

Unless you were completely consumed by the pandemic yesterday — either by being a patient or one who cares for them — you witnessed one of the most horrific scenes of domestic terrorism in our nation’s history. While Congress was in session, thousands of Trump-induced rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol breaking windows, looting offices, and defacing not only the building, but damaging the very heart of the nation: democracy itself.

No words can ever describe those events fully; suffice it to say that Donald Trump incited his mob of followers to violence in the heart of the nation’s capital, similar to the violence prompted by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. The devastating effects are already clear: for the first time in the 240-year history of our nation, contrary to what Senator Graham says, we will not have a peaceful transfer of power.

The halls of the U.S. Congress were desecrated; MAGA morons poured out their venom upon the offices of our elected leaders. At least one protestor was shot-and killed-trying to penetrate those hallowed halls. Three others died also in the onslaught; to sum, there is blood on the hands of Donald Trump once again.

In the immediate aftermath of this American carnage, many Republicans in the Senate drew back their attempts to contest the Electoral College votes for President-Elect Joe Biden; it was, after all, the only reason Congress was in session. It was also the only reason Trump called his followers-with guns, pipe-bombs, and Trump flags-to come to Washington D.C. and protest. Donald Trump wanted to-and did-incite a riot.

Donald Trump is a domestic terrorist.

Finally, around 3:30 AM, Congress finally completed the count of the Electoral College votes and accepted the fact citizens have known for months: Joseph R. Biden will be sworn in as the President of the United States on January 20th. With the insurrection brushed aside, enough Republicans in the Senate-including Lindsey Graham, R-SC, decided “enough is enough,” and voted down any further attempts to delay reality.

On January 6th, Lindsey Graham had had “enough” of the lawlessness that decimated the U.S. Capitol, “enough” of the conspiracy theories of his friend Donald Trump.

But by January 7th, Lindsey Graham was back to being Lindsey Graham, holding a press conference to discuss the events that unfolded the day before. Like the Lindsey we have all come to know, Graham-instead of speaking the truth about who was behind the attack of the U.S. Capitol-went out of his way to praise his old buddy Donald’s record as president, reminding all who would listen about the Trump tax cuts, the great economy (the one Trump didn’t create but did destroy), and anything else he could say to get back in Trump’s good graces.

Graham’s presser was one for the ages.

He began by reminding us the “first thing that has to happen is to hold those accountable for failing to defend the nation’s capital.” Wait…WHAT?

The first thing is to go after the security that failed to shut down an angry mob of thousands storming the capitol building? THAT IS YOUR FIRST THING, SENATOR?

I may be off my rocker a bit, but it seems to me that the FIRST thing that needs to happen, Senator, is that the Cabinet, working with the Vice President, needs to invoke the 25th Amendment of the Constitution, temporarily removing Donald Trump from the office of President. The SECOND thing, Senator, before YOU HOLD A PRESS CONFERENCE, is that the House needs to draw one singular Article of Impeachment against Donald Trump, and the Senate needs to vote to remove him permanently. PERIOD, FULL STOP.

Mr. Graham may not be fully aware of the reality that he is NOT in charge of the government investigation into this insurrection; which means, simply, that Lindsey Graham no longer gets to tell us to simply applaud Trump’s record and give him a pass!

Graham’s press conference was remarkable, if only for it’s idiocy.

“Lawlessness in one place breeds lawlessness everywhere.” Fine words, Senator, but where the hell has your concern for lawlessness been the last two months when this lying, lawless president persisted in his wreckless efforts to coerce others to commit illegal acts on his behalf-acts like “finding” him 11,780 votes in Georgia? Where was your concern, Senator, when Donald Trump lied in person, on-line, or at rallies about the true outcome of the election, deceiving and reforming his followers into an unlawful mob of domestic terrorists?

No, Senator Graham, you do not get to dictate to any of us what comes first, what is lawless, or to be quite frank ONE DAMNED THING ABOUT THIS INVESTIGATION.

Graham made the statement that it “would have been so easy for a terrorist organization to infiltrate this movement.” One did; it’s called the Trump “stopthesteal” campaign.

Lindsey Graham may be many things, but honorable he is not. He likened the domestic terrorism witnessed by the world yesterday with the lawful protests the nation witnessed, and participated in, last summer. Mr. Graham knows-or at least should know-that much of the violence wrought last summer was by thugs trying to subvert the actual peaceful protestors efforts to demonstrate in peace. But that doesn’t matter to Lindsey Graham, who wants to continue to sell the Trump lie that those who stand up-or even kneel-for their rights “maybe shouldn’t be in our country.”

Today, Lindsey Graham called for a Joint Task Force to “spend all the time and money necessary” to … wait … all the time and money necessary? Does Lindsey Graham not realize we are in the midst of the worst medical and economic crisis in over a century…brought on us by his pal, his buddy, the economic genius Donald Trump? Senator…get a grip!

This joint task force Graham called for should:

  • identify every person who breached security
  • who occupied the chambers
  • who invaded the offices and destroyed property

And these people should be in jail. Right.

Just one question, Senator: What about those who incited this behavior, like your friend Donald Trump, and your other buddy Rudy Giuliani? Where is your anger and desire to pursue and prosecute them? I mean, for God’s sake Senator, haven’t you heard:

“Lawlessness in one place breeds lawlessness everywhere.”

Does Lindsey Graham actually want to create a joint task force to go after those sent by Donald Trump to attack the U.S. Capitol, but not Trump himself?

Just before taking questions, Senator Graham tells anyone listening that “this will be a moment of laws, when anarchy will not reign.” Senator, to put it bluntly, you are full of shit.

You want FIRST to go after those who failed to provide adequate security in the face of an overwhelming mob of terrorists. Then you want to spend any amount of time and money to pursue those who came to the people’s house-to your house, Senator-and tore it to shreds. But instead of pursuing the mob boss named Donald J. Trump who lied, deceived, and supported “stopthesteal” maniacs from desecrating our house, you — Senator Graham — think we should thank Donald Trump for the great job he did while president. Well, Senator Graham, I think I can speak for every law-abiding citizen of this nation today when I say:


You ball-less coward! How dare you claim some pious perch to preach to the rest of us, from your lofty post just outside Trump’s zipper. You can keep your bullshit press conference, your big joint task force, and if you don’t know I’ll tell you what you can do with your praise for that insurrectionist animal in the White House.

George W. Bush, no scholar by any means, said one smart thing years ago, after the United States was attacked on 9/11. Before a joint session of Congress, President Bush said:

We will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.

Senator Graham, your cowardice is showing again. When you protect those who harbor terrorists, you are a terrorist. When you protect those who incite terrorists, you are a terrorist.

Donald Trump is a domestic terrorist; he incited the violent acts that led to four deaths, at least 68 arrests, thousands of dollars in damage to our nation’s capitol building, and an incalculable amount of harm to our national psyche. Like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, there is no going back to the time before yesterday’s events that were brought on, encouraged, and promoted by your friend, Donald Trump.

Lindsey Graham stated — for the record — that he “does not believe the 25th Amendment is appropriate at this time.” My guess is he’s also not real big on the idea of Impeachment. Seems to me that these are the reasonable, lawful measures lawmakers have provided to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States.

Senator, you are either with us, or you are against us.

Lindsey Graham is the type of prosecutor that would have imprisoned the entire German Army after World War II, jailed those armies that couldn’t stop them, and left Adolf Hitler off the hook, while thanking him for building the Autobahn.

No thank you, Senator; you had your chance to decide, to influence, and you failed. You failed directly with Trump, and now the American people — who have just elected a Democratic President, a Democratic House, and a Democratic Senate — will decide the fate of Donald Trump and his lawbreaking clowns.

Senator Graham, in the words of that late, great comedian Chris Farley:

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©Timothy J. Sabo

