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Is America a racist nation?

Timothy J. Sabo
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2021


In order to approach an answer to this question, we must first agree on what racism is.

By definition, racism, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is:

  1. a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority
  2. the systemic oppression of a racial group to the social, economic, and political advantage of another
  3. a political or social system founded on racism and designed to execute its principles

Upon reviewing the events of America’s recent past, any court in the land could justify an indictment against America of being a racist nation based on this definition. The actions of the people of this nation define the acts of this nation: there can be no separation of the two. Regardless of how you quantify or qualify its meaning, racism lives and breathes in this nation with the same casualness as a child saying his ABCs. As long as there are those who deny this truth, America will be a racist nation.

As long as there are White supremacists, who believe that White is Right and anyone of color is not, America will be a racist nation.

As long as there are White nationalists, who believe this nation was created by some god for Whites to rule, America will be a racist nation.

As long as there are White cops, stopping, beating, and killing Blacks because they believe they are judge and jury, America will be a racist nation.

As long as there are White voters, who support liars and race-baiting presidents and members of Congress, America will be a racist nation.

As long as there are White politicians, spreading lies about BLM, or passing laws that permit protestors to be run down by a car, America will be a racist nation.

As long as there are White pastors, who continue to promote the lie that Jesus Christ is White, that God is White, and Whites are therefore superior, America will be a racist nation.

As long as there are White teachers, who tell school children that White men discovered and built this nation, instead of teaching children the truth about the brutality Whites put on Natives and Africans, American will be a racist nation.

As long as White parents, who were taught racism themselves as children, continue to teach their own children hatred, fear, and racism, America will be a racist nation.

As long as we have institutions, like banking, education, housing, and law continuing to provide opportunities for Whites while marginalizing people of color, America will be a racist nation.

Racism is our heritage, and until these truths are known, and thusly dismantled, leaving nothing but dim memories of hatred and division, America will be a racist nation.

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© Timothy J. Sabo

