Rotten to the Core

America’s problems won’t be solved easily

Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again


Who doesn’t love pumpkin pie

Well, the holidays are just around the corner, and we all know what that means: time to stuff our faces with pumpkin pie!

Actually, while food is the medium we employ at these events, it is the gathering together of family and friends that are the main course. And we all know what that means: family fights.

One of the more common things you’ll hear at the this time of year is to never discuss religion or politics at the dinner table. The meal is for giving thanks, not jabbing at each other over faith or politics.

The reason we fight at these events is pretty basic: it is the one time of year when we get to see folks we don’t see regularly, and for good reason. Usually, even within families, there can be considerable differences in how people see the world.

It is a good idea to avoid discussing sensitive issues, but it is equally important to understand that no amount of talking, harassing, arguing, or screaming at each other will change minds. What we need is to ‘educate people.’


For those of you who grew up in this country, you were probably exposed to the story of Jesus Christ. No doubt you were taught about how Jesus was born in a stable, and how he died on a cross. No doubt you…

