The time has come for America…to wait

Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again
Published in
6 min readOct 25, 2020
Luke Michael for Unsplash

As the 2020 Presidential Election draws near, the anxiety of the results grows: millions of Americans wait with the highest anticipation for the answer to ‘who will be president for the next four years?’

It has been said before, but is NO cliché this time round, that this election will be the most important election in the nation’s recent history: other than the presidential election of 1864-which saw Lincoln stay in office over his rival General George McClellan-this election will have the greatest impact on the lives not only of the people of this land, but also on the social culture of the nation. What happens to America is on the ballot, and the man that can claim victory will set the course for that future.

Of course, there may be no clear winner announced on Election Day, November 3rd: the fallout from coronavirus has led millions of Americans to vote early or vote by mail, both of which will cause delays. In many states, like Pennsylvania where I live, mail-in voting is perfectly legal; counting those mail-in votes, however, can not commence until Election Day itself. Thus, counting votes will be one of the many causes for delay in learning the final result. Millions upon millions of ballots, already cast, will not officially be counted until November 3rd or later, providing opportunity for stress, mayhem, and yes, even for one candidate to suggest victory prior to a final vote count.

All of this can be avoided.

As a Christian man, it is my obligation to share the Word of God whenever I can: no, not to force Jesus on anyone, but to share life lessons from His Word when the world seems to be coming apart at the seams-which it may look like immediately after November 3rd. The lesson I have to offer is one of clarity, which can bring peace during this troubled time of high anxiety.

America, in many ways, likes to think of itself as “one nation, under God.” While we may not all be clear exactly what that means, we can all agree there are specific examples of waiting in the Bible that-if we follow them-can guide us peacefully through this trial of election stress.

In the Bible, God uses “Forty Days” as the time required for many events:

“Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.” Gen. 7:4

God knows the human mind better than anyone, and He must know something about making humans wait: there is something that happens when we have to wait-a peace perhaps that overtakes the impatience.

Moses stayed on the mountain with God Forty Days to receive the Ten Commandments (Ex. 34:28). The men sent by Moses to explore the Promised Land stayed there Forty Days (Num. 13:24). And Jonah gave the city of Nineveh God’s warning of impending destruction:

“Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” Jonah 3:4

The Old Testament offers numerous occasions where God makes Man wait exactly Forty Days on Him: it is God’s way of reminding us Who is in charge.

The New Testament also provides ample opportunity to learn patience. After His baptism, Jesus went into the desert and fasted “forty days and forty nights.” Mt. 4:2

And Jesus was “in the wilderness forty days, being tempted by Satan.” Mk 1:13

From Acts, we know that after His resurrection, Jesus spent time with the Apostles before ascending to heaven.

Dave Herring/Unsplash

“After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” Acts 1:3

America has a recipe for waiting: God has provided us with that. If we are His people as we claim to be, we not only should know these truths about waiting, we should live them. There is no better time to immerse ourselves in His Word to find the peace we desire.

Forty days. Forty days. America should be able to wait Forty Days for the results of this election. But CAN we? Will we?

The real question is “why wouldn’t we?”

Forty Days is exactly the amount of time specified repeatedly in the Word God has given us. Other than the Constitution, no book or document has been followed more closely by more Americans than the Holy Bible. Democrats and Republicans alike claim God in their message, claim God is guiding their beliefs, and claim God will guide their administrations. The Bible, God’s Word to Man, provides clear, unmistakable guidance for a time such as this: America should permit the election officials Forty Days to count, check and double-check, all the votes cast during this election.

That provides that at Noon, December 14, 2020, the final results of the presidential election could be made to the people of the United States. There is no rhyme or reason to hasten, quicken, or adjudicate this process.

God’s Word is clear: America shall wait Forty Days.

I am not naive: I am not some silly, idealistic fool with my head in the clouds. I see what America has become: a rivalry of who owns God.There are competing versions of Christian faith working to subvert the other side, working to control not just the government, but the people themselves. This is not new in America, but for the first time since the Reagan administration, America must decide whether we move closer to a theocracy or closer to the First Amendment, where “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”

I am not advocating theocracy: in fact, as a believer in Jesus Christ, my personal beliefs do not always align with our Constitution, which provides a legal framework for all citizens to worship any or no God in their own way-and I respect that law. I believe the Constitution gives all Americans the right to choose for themselves, unequivocally.

As a Christian, I will work to bring those who don’t know Christ to a knowledge of the same: as an American, I will accept their rejection of my argument if they choose to do so. I accept that as Americans each of us has the right to believe in any God or no God. Forcing God on others is not how He wants us to share His gospel.

These are days that should not be trusted to the rantings-or Tweets-of men, but to the whole Word of God. And His whole Word is clear: Man must, at crucial times, exercise patience to grow his faith. This is a great opportunity for all Christian Americans to fast, to pray, to read His Word, to embrace it more fully, perhaps more completely than ever.

We are at a great crossroads of religion and politics in this nation, one that the Constitution set out to avoid. Whether we fail or succeed depends greatly not on our ability to seek justice in the courts, but to seek peace in our hearts.

A guide to peace has been offered to us: whether we follow it or not is up to us. I offer this premise as a Christian, knowing-as an American-I can not force anyone to accept it.

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©Timothy J. Sabo

