Trump would risk our children’s lives to get re-elected

Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again
Published in
5 min readAug 6, 2020
Children attending school in the era of COVID-19.

A few days ago Donald Trump wrote an unbelievable Tweet, suggesting the nation should “Delay the election until people can properly, securely, and safely vote….”

While it is inconceivable that an American president would suggest such a thing, it did come from Donald Trump, and as we have all learned, Trump is capable of anything: anything that is, as long as it benefits him.

A week ago, Trump made the decision to cancel the Republican National Convention which was to be held in Jacksonville, Florida. Trump’s public rationale for this decision was that he was canceling the convention due to the coronavirus, and he was not willing to risk so many lives due to the health crisis. Republican lives; his life perhaps.

On the surface, Donald Trump appears to be concerned with the safety of the American people: nothing could be further from the truth.

Meanwhile, in the same sick, twisted mind of Donald Trump, another idea was also born: the demand to return America’s school children to the classroom.

For the last month, Americans have spent day and night debating this issue. I, myself, have sounded my opposition to this crazed notion. Experts from across the land have published studies and opinions on this issue. Parents are scared; teachers are worried to the point of striking to avoid this calamity. Here we sit, pondering as a nation one of the worst ideas any president has ever put forth.

While the debate rages, while the studies are reviewed, and while the schools try to figure out how to keep school children at a safe distance from each other — children that desire to be next to each other — we the citizens fumble through this idiotic paradigm. We have again been duped by the Master Duper, Donald Trump.

In the more than three years since taking office, Donald Trump has never once bothered himself with election security. Not once did Trump concern himself with the safety of the American election system: not after the 2016 Presidential debacle that featured his friend Vladimir Putin; not after the Mueller investigation that found dozens of Trump campaign officials interacted with Russians; not even after the death of 150,000 Americans from coronavirus. When does Trump finally suggest we “delay the elections until people can safely vote?” Only AFTER he has repeatedly demanded our schools reopen in the Fall.

Sure, we can shut down the Republican National Convention due to the coronavirus; and certainly we should delay the national election until it is “safe” to vote. But delay the start of the upcoming school year due to the virus? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Donald Trump has — in these three distinct, but very clear messages — shown America exactly who he is and who he truly cares about: HIMSELF alone. He is all too eager to shut down any event that might hurt him, while demanding the rest of the country return to school.

And the question should NOT be “how” but “why?”

Why is Donald Trump demanding that our schools reopen next month? Why is Donald Trump so determined to get our kids back in school while the same coronavirus that shut down his Republican National Convention continues to kill Americans?


Beyond the obvious answer that this man is vile and disturbed, a deeper study suggests something more sinister from the devious mind of a true deviant.

Donald Trump cares only about HIMSELF: he canceled the RNC to protect himself. Everything he does — from failing to produce his taxes to asking Ukraine for favors is all about HIM.

Trump has determined that if he can get the kids back in school, the parents can’t be far behind: they will return to work.

Enough of this sitting around waiting for their next $600 Extended Unemployment Check: if these suckers want to eat, they have to start working again. If I can get the kids back to school, I can get the parents back to work. And if I can get the parents back to work, I can turn this economy around.

And that means election victory!

In the sick, dark mind of Donald Trump, there will never be any concern for the health, safety, or even the lives of those children or those parents forced to return to the world where COVID-19 still rules. Donald Trump cares nothing for the health of America’s children, trying instead to force parents into accepting, somehow, that our government — that same government that has failed to protect over 150,000 American lives so far — will protect our children while in school; the same government that to date has no national testing plan; the same government that is right now in court trying to eliminate health care protections for those children and their parents provided by the Affordable Care Act.

Donald Trump cares nothing for the children of this nation; he is willing to risk the lives of our children in the hopes of then pushing their parents back to work, trying to revive a crushed economy, and steal another election.

Donald Trump cares nothing for the teachers who will be exposed in the classroom. He cares nothing for the families of the children or the teachers who undoubtedly will be recipients of the virus carried home in tiny noses. Donald Trump cares nothing for the health care workers, already over wrought with battling this virus for six months, but who will unnecessarily have to begin caring for sick children, sick parents, and sick teachers. Donald Trump cares nothing for the essential workers who will be unable to find PPE due to the great increase in purchases by families looking to provide such for their children.

Donald Trump cares nothing for our children, and he really doesn’t care if they get a good education or not (his choice of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education proves that). The only thing Donald Trump cares about is HIMSELF: he will do anything and everything to get re-elected.

This insatiable lust of Trump’s to win at all costs is undeniable, but not unbeatable. As a nation, we must begin with the notion that whatever Trump says or does is for his own benefit, and we must ignore him: we must not permit ourselves to continue chasing after every lame-brain idea he utters. We must end by focusing on our children, on our lives, on our neighbors: we must “love our neighbor” and ignore the haters like Trump who try to divide us.

For when we hate each other, Trump wins: when we hate Trump’s words, his Tweets, his actions, Trump wins; when we hate Trump, Trump wins. We must stand together, support each other, listen to each other, reason with each other, and remember to not get discouraged, disgruntled, or dismayed.

Don’t make this about Trump, or he wins.

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©Timothy J. Sabo

