White Privilege in a Christian Nation?

Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2020

America has been racist-based since before it became a nation of its own. It started with White Europeans coming here and calling the Natives ‘savages’ and pushing Christianity on them. When the Natives rejected this, the ‘superior’ Whites broke treaties, stole the land, and marched the Natives off to reservations.

After the Whites had stolen the land, they needed someone to work it for them, so they went to Africa and kidnapped people there, brought them here, and enslaved them-for centuries!

We can not hope to erase this racist legacy simply through talk: a full acknowledgement of those acts and reparations are necessary to change this, and there are far too many racist white wealthy nuts-who now put billions into GOP campaigns-to ever correct this under current law.

Donald Trump is a symptom of that deep-rooted hatred; removing him is a necessary step that signals to those who support those beliefs that the time has come to create a truly ‘free nation.’ The whole Make America Great Again lie promotes the protection of wealthy, powerful Whites and their strangle-hold over this corrupt nation.

This is how America started, and no nation built on this foundation should ever call itself a Christian nation. THIS is why America is still corrupt.

White Privilege is all about one thing: hatred. Hatred by those who have held power and money for centuries; hatred against those who want their fair shot in America; and hatred against those who demand the mantra “all men are created equal” finally becoming reality. The White Privileged are scared to death; and fear feeds their rage!

These wealthy have personally financed every GOP Senator that now walks with foolish pride through the halls of Congress. These filthy rich animals — OLIGARCHS, for a lack of better words — want to return this nation to a time when Blacks said ‘yessa’ and women stayed quiet, barefoot, and pregnant in the kitchen.

This clever little plan of theirs has taken years to unfold, but now we see it clearly. The wealthy buy politicians who place more self-righteous snobs on the bench. These snobs then rule because there are now no limits to the amount of money campaigns can accept, giving a green light for the oligarchs to buy more politicians by financing their campaigns. Bought politicians buy campaign victories with ease, then work to seize media outlets, religious nuts, and the NRA.

They also work to convince the ‘regular’ American that they care about him, and that Democrats are evil and will take their guns and give away their homes to Mexicans and Muslims.

It’s all about money, and the control they can buy with it. Including the entire United States of America, Incorporated.

White men stole this land, and built their wealth on the backs of stolen people. White men truly own nothing in this land that is not tinged by this true history. And White men continue to this day to use their stolen wealth and power to enslave others, including their own people.

White Americans were taught about the Founding Fathers, how they ‘created a nation based on Christian principles’ and wrote that ‘all men are created equal,’ yet these same Founding Fathers had slaves and many did not live their lives by Christian beliefs. We all have been told the American story was just this, and this is what Trump uses today to create and promote fear in his followers: he convinces them this land is theirs, and that others will steal it from them if they don’t stand with him and fight. THAT is Fascism.

The deep-seated resentment Trump’s followers have was seeded in them since birth — by parents who themselves had been taught these White lies — and enforced by schools and a society that promote these distorted beliefs. These beliefs will not be easily changed in most; never in some. But none of these beliefs are the beliefs of Jesus Christ.

The way to begin is to rewrite the history books that all our children read, and to re-educate our people on the truth about the beginnings of this nation. We must tell the stories of the Natives and the Africans who were violated, and work to make those wrongs right. We must educate our people on the true strengths diversity has brought this nation.

Hatred can be overcome, but it requires love deeper and stronger and more intense than the hatred embedded in the hearts of those poisoned since birth.

America has never been a Christian nation, and there is much evidence to suggest it does not want to be. Americans prefer to follow the First Amendment, which gives them the right to free speech: they can live anyway they want without the government intervening. Or God.

America has never been a great nation, at least not for all those who have had their land stolen, their lives taken away, their freedom stripped or limited and all because the color of their skin or because they didn’t worship the same God.

If ‘all men are created equal’ as the Founding Fathers wrote, when will that happen for all men in America? If that ever happens, THEN America will truly be great. The Founding Fathers never fully supported the idea of equality for all in their lives because they were unwilling to give up their wealth and power. Today is no different: those in power are doing everything they can to scare their followers into believing some group somewhere is coming for their job, their home, or their gun. Why are they so hung up on holding on to worldly treasures if they are all Christians: have they not read to not store up treasures on Earth, where moths and vermin destroy?

When the rich man asked Jesus what he needed to do to get to heaven, Jesus told him to “sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Jesus gave America the way to be a great and Christian nation, but we have NEVER embraced his teachings or his love on a national scale.

America is tarnished by White Privilege: for America, it is the original sin. How can a nation that has acted — and continues to act this way — ever call itself a Christian Nation?

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©Timothy J. Sabo

