Why “Team Terry McAuliffe HQ for VA” just got their asses handed to them

Will these stupid Democrats never learn?

Timothy J. Sabo
Leftovers, Again


Terry McAulliffe led his bumbling campaign to a miserable defeat

Looks like Terry McAuliffe is going to lose in Virginia. I am not surprised.

Democrats have no clue how to run a campaign: after tonight’s massacre, they better start listening to someone other than Jaime Harrison.

Here is what I wrote about the McAuliffe campaign back in August.

I am getting a ton — and I do mean a TON — of emails from a number of Democratic candidates. Beside those I have supported in the past, I am also receiving emails for Madeleine Dean, Adam Schiff, and the DNC itself.

But no one comes close to the amazing email team of Terry McAuliffe, Democratic candidate for Governor in Virginia. McAuliffe has everybody sending emails in his name: James Carville, Stacey Abrams, Mark Warner, Tim Kaine, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Cory Booker, and Gabby Giffords. In addition, Terry sends out his own emails, and two of his staff — Gwen Rocco and Ellie Warner — also send lots of emails. LOTS!

But I am a bit confused about Terry’s campaign, and I have considered reaching out to it, but I’m not sure what to call it. Terry McAuliffe’s campaign has used the following names for its campaign:

