Zionism is Anti-Semitic

Adam Stern
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2021

Zionism, at its core, posits that the source of anti-Semitism is the mere existence of Jewish people among people of other ethnic or religious backgrounds and that the only solution to this is for Jewish people to have a state of their own and live separately from non-Jewish peoples, where they act as autonomously as possible. According to these two statements, the Jews are to blame for the anti-semitism they face, because the sole source of it is the mere existence of jews, and there is nothing to do about it except to remove themselves from the rest of the world. in other words, Zionism, instead of blaming anti-semites for anti-semitism or holding them accountable, instead of finding the source of anti-semitism in religious tensions, the tendency of humans to fear people who are not of their group or other such sources that will lead to the conclusion that gentiles should be less bigoted, racist and should be held accountable in terms of their discrimination against jews, it blames the Jewish people for their own oppression. Jews are somehow uniquely incapable of cooperating with other people, unlike other minorities, and therefore should rid the world of themselves by moving to a separate place.

Just imagine if any other minority group convinced themselves of that! People would immediately recognize the victim-blaming and counter to multi-culturalism, but somehow western hegemony managed to convince itself that the pinnacle of resistance to anti-semitism is championing this victim-blaming ideology and movement.

Now, this isn't a unique development for jews, other minorities had movements with some similar ideas, like the “Back to Africa” movement among African-Americans, but none of these movements were as prominent, nor stuck so long, or were so successful as the Zionist project.

So jews outside of the zionist project can seek equality in their countries instead of joining it(Jewish people can move to Israel if they so desire, it just isn't much of a way to gain liberation or equality), but what about Israeli-Jews. Israeli Jews should eliminate the Jewish status of Israel and turn it into a “State of All its Citizens”, and should strive to create an egalitarian and inclusive Israeli-Palestinian culture(maybe “Canaanite culture” is a good name?) between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean sea.

TLDR: Zionism is anti-semitic because it blames jews for their own oppression, instead of blaming anti-semites. Jews outside of Israel should seek equality within their countries(they can move to Israel if they so desire, it's just not much of a method to gain liberation or equality), while Jews in Israel should abolish the Jewish definition of Israel and create a multicultural culture/society in the Levant. This kind of self-blaming movement isn't unique to jews but only the Jewish version of it stuck.



Adam Stern
Editor for

An Israeli anti-zionist, anarcho-communist, eco-socialist, feminist, and bisexual activist, film editor and member of the Communist Party.