Meet the team

Felipe Faraggi
Legacy Network
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2017

Phase 1 : Inception

My father and I

It all started 14 years ago, through a very unfortunate event, when my father unexpectedly passed away. I never got the chance to say goodbye to him. He never had the chance to talk to me about life and myself as grownups. He also never got the chance to plan for our family for this moment- it was just something that happened. We all had to carry on with our lives.

So I did. After graduating from architecture I set out to see the world, and in this regard, I was fortunate enough to have lived all around the globe. My travels took me to Peru, Chile, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Canada and U.S.A, finally settling in France in 2010. This was where I founded my first companies, including Willty. Willty was in a completely different universe than Legacy is; a tech startup focused on the fitness sector.

Phase 2 : the Blockchain

Technology had always been an enticing subject to me. It was also my father that got me into these subjects — when I was young he taught me how to build computers and how to fix Windows 3.15 or DOS mistakes. Love of technology always kept me on the lookout for technological novelties, so I came across bitcoin quite early on, probably not long after its creation. It held an appeal to me as a digital currency but I never really looked “under the hood”, to understand the actual mechanics. Up until moving to France and after a very interesting conversation with an old friend, that I started reading up on the subject and a few weeks later grasped what the concept behind blockchain was.

A decentralized ledger immediately struck me as an immensely useful tool. It was something that would not be under anyone’s control, and that could last forever, as long as even one person was still actively interested in it. The technology was interesting enough to invest a lot of time and a bit of money into it, but a piece of the puzzle was missing. But I didn’t know which one yet.

There was nothing different about the day it all clicked. A standard working day, with a short lunch break. And during that lunch, a pretty standard discussion about new trends in technology.

“Hey Felipe, you have some Bitcoins right? Have you heard about this new coin that puts not only data but also code itself on the blockchain?”

BINGO. Well NOW I had. That was it. The solution to a problem I did not even consciously have. It was the very early days of Ethereum, and to me, it was much more than that: the beginning of a truly global computing machine. One that would not be limited to a single point of failure, and one that could preserve any part of our present for future generations if we so wished.

Phase 3: Legacy

One of Legacy’s first trips to present the project in Paris

Over the following several months, all the different ideas I had began to fit more and more. I finally decided to leave my company to focus on what I had dreamed about many many years before: a service that would allow anyone to be a bit more prepared when the only unavoidable moment in life happens. Legacy was unofficially born.

As I shared my vision about what I was going to do, I could see how powerful the message was. For most, the idea was intriguing and very interesting. For some, it went further than that.

Vicente was one of those individuals. He had been my friend since I arrived in Toulouse and when I pitched him the idea of Legacy it actually clicked- it was a project that actually had a use case and a clear reason to be on the blockchain. He was just finishing his thesis on Telecommunications, and once done he was with us officially.

Nicolas and Nicolas were working together on their own company and they both heard of the idea together and both seemed eager to work on it, and having some prior theoretical ethereum experience, it seemed natural- they were on board.

Guillaume was working on his Virtual Reality Company at the time but once he heard of this idea and the possibility to work on a blockchain project, he was quickly seduced by the idea and joined us as the CTO.

We all had previous experience in blockchain tech, and were involved in the ecosystem for several years so it was a very natural process.
We were a team now, with proven track records in creating, running and managing startup companies.

Meet those who will bring Legacy to life at our website:

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