Devcon3 light recap

Felipe Faraggi
Legacy Network
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2017


Where to start? With so much good content and excellent speakers it’s difficult to map what we’ve seen and learned at the devcon.

I will to do a special mention of Legacy’s advisors’ talks:

Adrian Brink @ Cosmos-Tendermint
November 3rd
“Building dApps on cosmos”
For more info see here:

Julien Bouteloup @ Devcon Main Hall
November 4th
IDbox — Cost efficient device for self-sovereign identity.

Julien Bouteloup @ Devcon Breakout Hall
November 4th
[p2p] — Flying Carpet : P2P Decentralised Autonomous Transportation Network.

And related to our subject matter, a talk that helped us clear up some misconceptions is:

Fabian Vogelsteller @ Devcon Breakout Hall
November 1st
ERC Identity

For more info about all talks, checkout the agenda

I would have to recommend taking a look at the videos of the streaming of the event. And the truth I will have to as well, for several reasons;

  • I am not superman and cannot be in 2 places at once
  • It is very intense and tiring mentally to participate in all talks
  • Some subjects interest me less than others

But to me, the most important reason is the people at devcon. I spent most of my time at devcon meeting amazing people.


Persons from all types backgrounds types

  • developers
  • business-oriented
  • investors
  • corporate types
  • and just curious people wanting to learn more about the blockchain and ethereum space

The best part of this all was being surrounded by people as passionate as we are by this subject- and its rare.

I like to always point out that in general we (yes, you readers and devcon assistees) are the go-to guys when our close ones have a question or misunderstanding about these subjects. In this case, you had 1500+ people to ask and they were in may cases as much or more informed than yourself.

That is an opportunity to seize- personally, I saw it as an opportunity to make friends more than an opportunity to do networking. In that regard, mission accomplished.


Oh the parties. I did not expect so many, good parties. I could quote several people saying the came only for the parties- but I won’t.

As mentioned above, we aren’t superman, so its very difficult to be at 2 parties at the same time- and believe us, it was often necessary because of the amount of the things that were organised.

Each one had a different flavour and style although often named in relation to unicorns (why would that be?).

Golf courses, beach houses, fiestas in downtown Cancún and of course the coco bongo were some of the venues.

We’d like to specially mention and thank our Party sponsors and coaches at who organised a super party beach-side with great people. Alcohol, food, and a mariachi band included.

These places and situations are the best moments to meet people in a more informal manner- although the devcon itself does not at all have a corporate atmosphere.
Parties aren’t for everyone, I get that, but this is just hanging out with people like you.

Unicorn Conclusion

As you can see, each of the previous sections all come to the same conclusion; people are in the center of this all.

Startups and dApps aren’t built by bots (yet)- they are built by people and the people of the Ethereum community are excellent. I’m glad I discovered blockchain and ethereum so long ago, and I will definitely go the the next devcons.

If you want to meet the People behind Legacy, join our telegram, we’re launching our Seed ICO at the end of November and will love to have you on board.

