Why build Legacy?

Felipe Faraggi
Legacy Network
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2017

Great software tools often come from a personal need of their first authors. And we expect Legacy to go down the same path.

The initial idea for Legacy came to me when my father passed away while still quite young. We never got the chance to say goodbye to each other. We never had the chance to talk about life’s more mature subjects. And especially, my father never got the chance to prepare our family for this moment- it was just something that happened.

We understand that nowadays, this is very common. People don’t have the time to do this complex, time-consuming and unpleasant task. We have so many things to enjoy, so many sights to see in life, and so much work to do. People simply don’t plan for this moment.

With Legacy we’re going to change that.

By empowering Ethereum and blockchain technology, we’re building a powerful tool that is easy to use, and that will last 50 or 100 years- or however long it takes to execute that contract.

Of course, starting from this simple concept, we started to think about other applications and use cases. The idea of creating smart wills came up: a solution that will allow people to easily distribute their property, including money, real-estate, etc…

Legacy aims to combine the two different aspects of passing. First by allowing its users to prepare the legalities of a very difficult time, where dealing with lawyers and such should be the last thing you have to do. And second by transmitting content with or without monetary value, but that will be treasured for years to come by the loved ones you leave behind.

On the legal side, Legacy will at first be partnering with established professionals to create wills that will be equivalent to current ones (although we will be using the blockchain to ascertain their timestamp and the fact that they have not been tampered with). But legislation is evolving, and Legacy will mirror that evolution closely. It is expected that company shares will be the first kind of property directly transferable on the blockchain. Other “smart properties” will arise, such as real-estate deeds or other physical objects. And Legacy will be able to manage them directly.

On the more emotional side, which we will be tackling first, Legacy will securely store the digital files you decide to transfer, and invite you to designate recipients for those files. You will be able to create “capsules” with your own collection of memories, and the smart contract will make sure that the content in those capsules are sent to the the right person at the right time. Your favorite pictures, a family movie, a personal message or simply letters you wrote “just in case” will not become lost.

Of course, having a tool to manage your legacy does not make tragedies go away. But if the worse comes to pass, at least your cherished memories will live on.

I just wish my father knew about a service like this before passing…


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