Why use Legacy?

Nicolas MICHEL
Legacy Network
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017

What’s the point of using Legacy? After all, as we’ve discussed, wills and testaments have been around for a very long time. Obviously, they have their problems, but they are established, known quantities. So what would someone gain by using our solution?

If you want a detailed comparison, you can read our previous article. But in very simple terms, Legacy will give you more, for less.

Reason 1: Price

Legacy is an automated system. Which means that with higher reliability than manual systems, storing and executing you testament will only cost a fraction of what it used to. This is directly reflected in the price of the Legacy service: you only pay once, no subscription, no time limit.

Reason 2: Convenience

Can you imagine going to a lawyer or notary, listing everything you own, giving information about your loved ones, then describing who gets what… and then going back to update your will every time something changes? Now can you imagine launching an app from your phone to create capsules (a simple collection of files) from your photos for your contacts? Legacy will offer a user-friendly service, with no loss in security.

Reason 3: Modernity

And the third, most important point about Legacy is that it is made for a digital world. Chances are that your most precious memories are already in digital format (with the advantage that there is no quality loss over time). Putting them in a safe deposit box, for example, does not give you any guarantee that everything won’t be obsolete by the time they are taken out. Not to mention that should the hardware holding them fail, the memories are lost. Legacy will not ask of you to look for a separate storage system: we will handle everything.

In the end, our ultimate goal at Legacy is to give you peace of mind. Even if we can only answer a very small part of the “what happens when I die” question — we’re going to keep your memories safe.

Agree? Disagree? Tell us on our Telegram group!

