Everything you know about lawyer selection is wrong

Madhan Raj
Legal Analytics
Published in
1 min readSep 19, 2017

With 1.2m lawyers in the US : How to find the winning needle in the haystack?

The US hosts 95% of the worlds litigation, despite only having 5% of the world’s population. We sure like to hog all the litigation for ourselves.

This is probably why 1.2m lawyers are able to ply their trade in the US so how to find out which ones are great and which ones should be put out to grass.

What about the lawyer / judge chemistry — does it really make a difference?

Well, if you’re instructing Alvin Benson from Holland & Knight AND get the case in front of Hon. Margaret Schriber in Orange County, then it just might … as Mr Benson had 32 straight wins in front of that judge.

