What does it mean to be a Legal Designer?

The legal designers of today are recreating the legal industry.

Emma Hertzberg
Legal Design
2 min readMar 21, 2018


We are in the forefront of legal design movement. Legal designers have entered the field out of the pure passion to improve legal practices and create better user experiences. Our small, but growing group of pioneers come from diverse backgrounds. Some are legal professionals, or others like myself come from the field of design. But, whether you are a lawyer, designer or anything in between, if you have a passion towards improving legal products and practices, the legal industry can certainly benefit from your expertise and perspective.

At its core, legal design is about incorporating design principles and methodologies into the legal sphere. Practicing legal design allows us to evolve as professionals alongside the work that we do and the impact we create.

For me, being a legal designer means an opportunity to be a part of something bigger than myself — a global taskforce that can revolutionise an entire way of working and interacting with the law. It isn’t just big words and great seminars. We at Dot. have moved from ideas to action very quickly.

To increase people’s understanding of what legal designers do and what attributes you can start to develop if you want to be one, we have designed this graphic. Let us know your thoughts!

“What does it mean to be a legal designer” by Dot. legal design consultancy.



Emma Hertzberg
Legal Design

Thinker. Doer. Analyzer. Entrepreneur. Co-creator of Observ Agency.