Access to Justice Survey 2019

QLS Legal Policy
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2 min readJul 31, 2019

For the last three years, Queensland Law Society has been seeking feedback from the legal profession to identify existing barriers and propose ideas on how to improve access to justice for Queenslanders.

The Scorecard assesses the workings of our legal system through the lens of the profession, including the fairness of our laws, dispute resolution and Queenslanders’ access to legal help. Each year a broad range of respondents provide input including those from private practice, influential non-profits, government and the tertiary education sector.

The 2018 Access to Justice Scorecard painted a picture of access to justice over the year, as well as identifying trends from previous years. Key items that have already been focused on to improve access to justice include:

  • increased funding and resources for legal assistance services, courts and tribunals
  • development of alternative fee structures in private practice, including discrete task assistance
  • expansion of online resources and file management capabilities.

Over the next month, QLS is encouraging members of the legal profession to once again have their say by completing the Scorecard. The Scorecard will take three to five minutes and open from mid-July to mid-August. By identifying the barriers that hinder members of the community in accessing justice, we can advocate for funding to help overcome them.

We invite all members of the legal profession to complete the survey here.

