Public hearings: 21 October 2019

QLS Legal Policy
First reading
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2019

Today QLS were invited to appear at two Parliamentary Committee public hearings.

At the first hearing, President Bill Potts, Deputy Chair of the QLS Criminal Law Committee, Ken Mackenzie and Legal Policy Manager, Binny De Saram appeared before the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee on the Police Powers and Responsibilities and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019. We raised issues with respect to the extraordinarily broad nature of police powers and the ability of police officers to have unfettered access to sensitive information.

Left to right: Binny De Saram, Bill Potts and Ken Mackenzie

At the second hearing, President Bill Potts, Chair of the QLS Children’s Law Committee, Damian Bartholomew and Legal Policy Manager, Binny De Saram appeared before the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee on the Child Death Review Legislation Amendment Bill 2019. The Society was supportive of the creation of the purpose and functions of the Child Death Review Board but raised concerns with the disclosure of privileged documents and the appointment of the Chairperson of the Board.

Left to right: Damian Bartholomew, Bill Potts and Binny De Saram

You can read our submissions to these inquiries here.

