Public hearings: Monday, 16 September 2019

QLS Legal Policy
First reading
Published in
1 min readSep 16, 2019

Today, QLS appeared at two public hearings, the first was before the Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee on the Community Based Sentences (Interstate Transfer) Bill 2019. General Manager, Policy, Public Affairs and Governance, Matt Dunn and QLS Legal Policy Manager, Binny De Saram raised the right of appeal or review in the originating State / Territory; special conditions attachable to the transferred order and transfer of ‘corresponding community based sentence.

The next hearing was before the Education, Employment and Small Business Committee. Members from the QLS Accident Compensation / Tort Law Committee, Michael Garbett (Chair), Luke Murphy (Deputy Chair) and QLS Policy Solicitor, Kerryn Sampson largely expressed support for the proposed amendments to the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (WCRA) which include removing the requirement that for a psychiatric or psychological disorder, employment is the ‘major’ significant contribution to the injury and that unpaid interns be workers for the purposes of the WCRA. QLS had some reservations, particularly with the proposal to exempt apologies and expressions of regret from consideration in any assessment of liability.

You can read our submissions to both bills here.

General Manager, Policy, Public Affairs and Governance, Matt Dunn & Legal Policy Manager, Binny De Saram

