Legal Services are GREAT trade mission to Lagos: in conversation

Ministry of Justice
Legal Services are GREAT
4 min readMay 23, 2019
Left to right: Morag Ofili and Laura Tainsh

In April 2019 the Legal Services are GREAT campaign took 20 UK legal professionals on a trade mission to Lagos. This trip took place seven months after the Prime Minister launched the campaign in Nigeria.

The mission came at an opportune time; trade between the UK and Nigeria was worth £4.2 billion in 2017 and is expected to double by 2030.

We caught up with two members of the delegation, Morag (Mishcon de Reya) and Laura (Davidson Chalmers Stewart). They discuss their highlights from the trip, the benefit of government assistance in new markets and advice for doing business in Nigeria.

Morag with other UK delegates at a LawTech event in Lagos

Q: How did you feel when you were selected to join the Legal Services are GREAT trade mission to Nigeria?

Morag: I was delighted when I found out that I had been chosen to be a part of the trade mission. As a British-Nigerian, being a part of an initiative which seeks to strengthen working relationships between lawyers in both countries was important to me on both a professional and personal level.

Laura: I was absolutely delighted to be selected for the trade mission, particularly given that I was the only Scottish solicitor chosen to attend. Having the opportunity to represent the Scottish legal profession on the mission was really valuable and important from my perspective.

Q: Have you ever worked in Nigeria before?

Morag: I have never worked in Nigeria before, but I have a lot of contacts in the region and I was keen to develop this network to create long-lasting business relationships.

Laura: I have visited Nigeria many times but, before the trade mission, had not carried out any business there.

Delegates meet with local lawyers and business leaders at the Deputy High Commissioner’s evening reception

Q: What were your highlights from the trade mission?

Morag: We were warmly welcomed to Lagos by Laure Beaufils (Deputy High Commissioner to Nigeria) and her team who hosted a wonderful reception for us. I also enjoyed our joint seminar with the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law which generated some thought-provoking discussions on collaboration within the legal sector.

Laura: The other delegates themselves were a real highlight, what a great group of people! The other highlight was the evening reception at the British Deputy High Commissioner’s residence which was really well-attended by interesting and relevant people from the legal and business sectors. Lots of useful introductions were made.

Laura speaking at the Nigerian Bar Association Section on Business Law seminar

Q: In what ways was it helpful to have support from the UK government in an emerging market like Nigeria?

Morag: The support from the UK government was invaluable. As one of the youngest members of the delegation, to be provided with such a platform from which to engage with key participants within the legal sector was instrumental in my ability to make an impact during my first business trip to Nigeria.

Laura: Capturing the vast number of business opportunities created in a young, emerging, ambitious and innovative developing country like Nigeria is invaluable. Having the support of the UK government in gaining access to the source of those opportunities was ideal.

Q: What advice would you give UK legal professionals looking at doing business in Nigeria for the first time?

Morag: The benefit of social media platforms such as LinkedIn means that you can make connections in a region before visiting. I would advise reaching out to people in Nigeria and building relationships with a view to arranging a visit as soon as you can.

Laura: I think it is important to recognise that the regulatory and political arenas are very different and that things are not always done in a way that UK lawyers are accustomed to. In addition, having a clear focus about what you expect in terms of aims and outcomes is important in the Nigeria market.

Interested in getting involved with the campaign? Contact the team at:



Ministry of Justice
Legal Services are GREAT

We work to protect the public and reduce reoffending, and to provide a more effective, transparent and responsive criminal justice system