3 Graffiti Friendly Cities

Examples of city-sanctioned wall programs

Legal Walls
2 min readJan 13, 2018


It’s a controversial debate if sanctioned wall programs can reduce damage caused by illegal graffiti and tagging. There are voices in favour of that thesis, but also some that shatter it.

Nevertheless, there are many cities that have been donating wall space to public art for decades. Of course graffiti will always have its dark side, but such programs are undeniably important for this sub culture and valued by the majority of artists and observers.

1. Vienna

With over 20 walls, the city of Vienna offers a staggering amount of wall space to artists. Some of them are nicely located along the river Donau, and are pretty idyllic to paint. Well worth a visit!

Michael Häuptl (the mayor) stresses the importance of cultural diversity and openness. If you paint here, treat Viennas offering with respect. I have not seen anything like it before.

2. Munich

Graffiti legend Loomit was curating a huge hall of fame before it got demolished a few years back. Luckily, the city still runs more than a dozen other legal spots for you. I have painted a few of them myself and it was always a joy.

Treat yourself with a Maß in the Biergarten after painting here. Prost!

3. Zurich

Zurich only allows graffiti on a handful of walls. On the upside, the main spots are super central and thus get huge attention. At the Letten bath you can join locals indulging in their favourite summer activity of swimming in the Limmat river.

Alternatively, there is a private spot called Rote Fabrik by the lake. Enjoy!

The mentioned walls are all bound to common sense terms of use. Visit their websites and also have a look at this code of conduct for painting legal walls.

Are the spots above too far away? Find a legal wall nearby!



Legal Walls

Legal graffiti walls around the world. Eat, sleep, travel, paint.