How to keep graffiti spots legal
Legal Walls
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2016

We see legal graffiti walls closing down regularly. Either to build fancy apartments or because people have been violating a couple of basic common sense rules:

  • Respect boundaries. Often times only a specific wall is legal. Get informed, don’t paint the surroundings.
  • Take your trash with you. Cans and caps too, which has the positive side effect that kids don’t get their hands on it to fuck up pieces.
  • If a wall requires permission, get it. It’s usually just a matter of saying hi or sending an email.
  • Be friendly to writers and visitors alike. Especially to neighbours, owners and authorities.

Now find a legal graffiti spot and go painting!


Legal Walls

Legal graffiti walls around the world. Eat, sleep, travel, paint.