Is this graffiti wall really legal?
Legal Walls
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2016

So you found a wall that is allegedly legal, but want to know for sure. If a spot is truly legal, some basic web searches usually quickly confirm it. If not, do some research.

  1. If it’s public property, you should get in touch with local authorities. Don’t hint at a specific location, as that might attract unwanted attention to gray areas. Instead, ask if they provide spaces for graffiti artists to produce their artwork legally.
  2. For private property, just contact the owner. In both the legal and illegal scenario, they are usually very thankful for you asking.

There are many places where graffiti is tolerated, but not officially legal. If you can’t get a statement from the property owner or the local council, you better assume it’s illegal. Anyhow, here are a few tactics how you can manage the risk:

  1. Contact the graffiti supply stores in town. They might be reserved with giving you directions in written form. When you show up at the store, they’re usually very happy to help you out though.
  2. Get in touch with local artists. An image search on instagram or flickr might get you a contact or two.
  3. Assess the quality and turnover of pieces at a spot. The more time people are willing to spend, the less risk you can assume. Same goes for walls that have a lot of recent pieces. is a good starting point to find legal graffiti walls. Please spend some time assessing the information on the site and leave a comment about your findings.


Legal Walls

Legal graffiti walls around the world. Eat, sleep, travel, paint.