Gabriela Díaz
Published in
8 min readJun 17, 2023


Digital Marketing Agency for Lawyers

Lawyers do not always have the time (or resources) to attend to certain areas of their business, such as bookkeeping or, for example, marketing. It is even more troublesome in today’s legal landscape, where almost any marketing gets done through digital platforms. More than ever, having knowledge and expertise in digital marketing is a valuable skill, but it is not usual for lawyers to have it.

Maybe it is time to help yourself with a digital marketing agency for lawyers?

In today’s highly competitive market, the truth is that you cannot overlook the importance of digital marketing. People spend most of their awake time shifting through social platforms and digital tools. Therefore, it is crucial to make a presence among them, too. It does not matter how highly you think of your law firm’s physical reputation or popularity.

Because numbers and statistics tend to make a bigger shock:

Users will spend 4 trillion hours on social media this year.
With 87% of adults online, 46% of Americans say they watch more user-generated content on social media than they do movies and television on streaming services. Americans spend 36% more time watching TV than they spend visiting social media sites.

So law firms need to adopt effective marketing strategies to attract prospective clients and stay ahead of the competition.

What do studies show?

Chronologically, law firms and lawyers are known for having been somewhat slow to recognize how much good online marketing can do for their businesses.
For example, studies show that 57% of associates have a tough time convincing their leaders to adopt digital marketing strategies. 53% of law firms lack the resources necessary, and 55% of lawyers state that they do not have enough time to be in charge of that area.

Image Source: Good2bSocial

Maybe your law firm is among these percentages. If so, your team fails to realize how digital marketing can enhance your development and services. In addition, it also increases your business opportunities.

It is difficult to know right away how to measure the return on investment of their digital marketing efforts, at least in an accurate way.

A Good2bSocial survey found that participants lacked the knowledge to understand crucial marketing numbers.
Concepts such as click-through rates, open rates, reach, and engagement, for example.
All of these stats are “foundational to dissecting the impact of digital marketing tactics,” for which proving the value of digital marketing to firm leaders turns even harder, as the report states.

Other interesting data that the study shows:

  • When asked what percentage of their overall marketing budget is allocated to digital marketing, nearly 50 percent of respondents indicated that they allocated 15 percent or less of their marketing budget to digital marketing.
Image Source: Good2bSocial
  • Nearly half of the respondents spend more than 20 percent of their time on digital marketing.
  • 41% of respondents expressed another concern: keeping up with the rapid changes in digital marketing.
    Things such as new algorithms, platforms, and technologies offered by established players and start-ups.

The Power of Digital Marketing Agency for Lawyers

Summarized, challenges seem overwhelming and hard to overcome by yourself. But would that be enough reason to stay in your shell and avoid the digital world?
Thought so.

This is when a reliable digital marketing agency for lawyers will probably make the difference.
A marketing company or agency can partner with you, so you can leave them the duty of providing your law firm with the necessary digital marketing services that your business needs.

Let’s explore a bit the benefits of hiring a professional entity to assist you with digital marketing and advertising:

Digital marketing provides a new platform.

According to Savage Global Marketing, if you have a regular website, a digital marketing agency will expand it, promoting it to people who may require your services. Thus, your business can be promoted on social media platforms that billions across the globe use. This will help your law firm’s growth.

Increased Visibility:

A skilled digital marketing agency knows how to make your law firm more visible to potential clients. Both in online search results and social media platforms.
By improving your online presence, you significantly increase the chance of attracting new, potential clients.

Digital Marketing Creativity:

On social media platforms, marketing can sometimes get really creative. For example, LinkedIn and Instagram probably will not benefit from the same kind of advertisement and, as such, will not end up attracting the same kind of clientele. Which leads us to:

Potential new clientele:

If you have been attracting the same type of clients through your current marketing strategy, you probably want to attract new potential clients.

Targeted Advertising:

Related to the above, digital marketing allows lawyers to precisely target their ideal type of client. This is based on demographics, location, interests, and search behavior online. Targeted advertising ensures that your marketing efforts pay off and that they are directed toward potential clients who are more likely to require your legal services.

Making you an authority in the field:

As Savage Global Marketing states, content marketing involves providing useful information related to your profession and field. This could come in the form of starting a publication attached to your firm or a blog that discusses legal topics and current events from your own point of view or personal standpoint. The more useful information that people get from your websites, the more trust they will place in you.

This will also attract regular visitors who look forward to seeing what you have to say.

Technologies will benefit your firm:

Digital marketing requires technologies and tools such as cloud servers, analytics reports, and more hands-on tech that will help boost your website and give you feedback.
Cloud servers provide lightning-fast retrieval for your business’ information while also securely storing it, so there will not be any security breaches.


When compared to traditional marketing methods, digital marketing is a lot more affordable. It allows you to optimize your budget by focusing on specific campaigns and tracking your performance.

You can adjust your strategy in real time to ensure your marketing efforts are generating a positive return on investment (also known as ROI).

As you will be counting on experts to handle digital marketing, you will cut back on the time you have to spend in addition to the money.

Enhanced brand image:

A professional digital marketing agency will understand the importance of being consistent with the brand’s messaging.

They will help you establish a strong brand image across various online platforms, one that gets your firm more recognized among potential clients, including websites, social media, and review sites.

Opportunity to receive client’s reviews:

Digital marketing provides new ways for clients to give you feedback, which will help you understand better what your clients are thinking and recognize both your strengths and flaws, allowing you to focus on the things you have to improve.

Overall, building an effective digital marketing strategy consumes a lot of time, effort, and money. You need to have a comprehensive understanding of the legal industry, clients’ behavior, and a clear vision of how to attract clients with both good advertising for your services and expert promotion of your brand. You will also need to pay attention to the digital world every day so you stay up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and software.
All in all, it can get tiresome really quickly.

Hiring a digital marketing agency will provide your law firm with everything we just listed, plus they can also offer the following advantages:

  • Expertise and industry knowledge: Agencies specialize in creating tailored strategies for law firms, and they will stay updated on the latest trends, regulations, and best practices in the legal industry.
  • Time and resource optimization: By outsourcing your digital marketing management to professionals outside your workspace, you will free up valuable time and resources that you can better use in other areas of service or legal practice.
  • Measurable results: As previously stated, without the required expertise and proper tools, it is difficult to know right away how to measure the return on investment of your digital marketing efforts.

Introducing Legal27, receptionist team for lawyers

Surely you have understood that by hiring a digital marketing agency, you will save a lot of time and effort.
However, managing the area of client contact can also become a complex task. Most of the time, the digital marketing agency will redirect those who are interested in your services to your phone number.

So chances are that you will also benefit from relying on a receptionist team for lawyers.

For that matter, our highly trained team of virtual receptionists in Legal27 specializes in providing excellent client support and administrative services exclusively designed for law firms.
By partnering with our team, your business can benefit from 24/7 call handling, ensuring that you never miss out on any call from anywhere, even after business hours. This minimizes the risk of losing potential clients to competitors and enhances your professional image for your brand.
We also take care of appointment scheduling and handle appointment confirmations and reminders, increasing client satisfaction, which in turn will positively impact your firm’s reviews.

Contact us to learn more about how we can support your law practice.



Gabriela Díaz
Writer for

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