What type of Law Should I Practice?

Some things to consider when choosing a law career

Gabriela Díaz
7 min readJul 18, 2023


Choosing a career in law is undoubtedly an exciting prospect. You already know that you want to pursue a legally related job and want to bring justice to those who need it.
However, the legal field is extensive, and there are many different areas of law to choose from, so it can be somewhat challenging to determine which one you prefer or which is the right one for you.

Each legal discipline offers its own unique challenges, areas of expertise, and opportunities for aspiring lawyers.
So what can you do to help yourself choose?

Build a Decision Tree

According to New England Law, a good way to start organizing your options is to build a decision tree, which is, basically, a way of mapping the myriad of alternatives you have in each legal practice. A “tree of options” can take you down several different career paths based on the issues that you care about, the industry that interests you, the types of employers you want to work for, and the kinds of clients you want to help.

Some examples (provided by the aforementioned website);
1. Practice Area: Intellectual Property.

  • Industry: Entertainment.
    - Type of Employer: Law Firm.
    - Type of Client: Music Publisher.
    - Type of Legal Issue: Copyright, Licensing of Music

2. Practice Area: Intellectual Property.

  • Industry: Life Sciences.
    - Type of Employer: Corporation.
    - Type of Client: Corporation.
    - Type of Legal Issue: Patents, Filing Patent Applications.

This way, you can break down each practice area into smaller “branches” that help you determine which field you are more determined to pursue, according to your preferences and motivations.

The goal here is to connect the dots between school (the academic understanding of some particular law area) and work life (the actual industry behind it and the types of employers and clients you will encounter there). Having that clarity will help you search for a job more effectively.

What are some popular law specialties to choose from?

Not every legal field is equally popular, and undoubtedly, there is a money factor in the journey of choosing. You want to work in something that fulfills personally and professionally, but you will also need to bring food to the table.

Since it is important that you make an informed decision, we have compiled some of the most popular types of legal practices there are, according to Esplin Weight Attorneys:

1. Corporate Law:

Corporate law might be the perfect fit for you if you have a keen interest in the business world, since, as the name blatantly implies, it deals with corporations. Corporate lawyers handle issues related to businesses and corporations on matters such as taxes, contracts, mergers and acquisitions, employment, corporate governance, contract negotiations, and intellectual property. You will also often have to advise clients on legal matters that could impact their companies and draft various agreements such as partnerships, shareholder agreements, and employment contracts.

2. Criminal Law:

Criminal Law deals with ofenses against society as a whole.
This field is the most popular one to portray on television; however, real life is a lot more complex than what Law & Order or CSI show you on the smaller screen.
Criminal Law cases involve people accused of breaking the law. As a Criminal lawyer, you represent either the government as a prosecutor or defendants as a defense lawyer. The latter means working on defending clients against conviction.
Remember that this field of legal practice deals with misdemeanors as well as felonies, drug crimes, sex crimes, homicide, violent offenses, or property crime charges — sso it’s a tough one.

However, if you have a strong sense of justice and your dream involves defending the rights of individuals, this area should be a lot more rewarding for you than any other.

3. Family Law:

This is the area for you if you have decided you want to work with family relationships. Family lawyers handle issues such as adoption, divorce, child custody, child abuse, prenuptial agreements, guardianship, and domestic violence cases.

It’s important that you have strong communication skills as well as negotiation abilities. You will also need a strong sense of empathy to achieve a compassionate approach, so you can guide people in need through difficult processes and ensure that their rights and best interests are protected. If all these are checked out, family law may as well fit you like a glove.

4. Intellectual Property Law:

As Esplin Weight Attorneys state, Intellectual Property (IP) is a specialized legal field that deals with protecting intangible assets such as:

-Trade secrets.

Overall, Intellectual property lawyers will focus on protecting the creations of the mind, such as inventions, copyrights, and patents.
You will have to guide clients through the complex waters of intellectual property rights, draft licenses, enforce copyrights, and represent clients in infringement cases. If you have a technical background, such as a degree in science, math, or engineering, and enjoy working with innovators or creators, this field offers an opportunity to play a crucial role in safeguarding their thoughts, ideas, and creations.

5. Environmental Law:

This field has gained popularity recently as society is slowly but increasingly prioritizing sustainability and environmental protection.

As an Environmental lawyer, you will work to help clients comply with environmental regulations, litigate against polluters, and, overall, advocate for conservation efforts. If you are passionate about the environment and your interests involve protecting the planet and ensuring that you make a positive impact through legal means, this area is well-suited for you.

6. Personal Injury Law

Personal Injury lawyers help those who have experienced an accident or injury due to someone else’s negligence. As a worker in this field, you will help them secure the best settlement or award.
Your cases will involve matters such as medical malpractice, car accidents, work-related injuries, slip-and-fall accidents, or defective products.

Additionally, you should know that the only way to get paid as a PI lawyer is through contingency fees, which means that you only get paid if you win your cases. This makes legal representation accessible and affordable for those who may struggle with finding legal help.

7. Bankruptcy Law

A Bankruptcy lawyer specializes in debt-related issues and represents either the debtor or the creditor.
Most likely, you will be needed when someone needs to be pulled out of bankruptcy or needs to work through their debt.

If you choose this field, your expertise may vary depending on the specific bankruptcy situation, but whichever one you dedicate yourself to, you will help clients navigate through legal processes and achieve the best possible financial outcome.

Remember: Going through Law School is one thing; gaining firsthand experience in the field is another. You may change your career goals over time, and that is fine. Things get clearer in life over time, so it is okay if you also take some time to explore the kind of career you really want to pursue. Your primary goal should be achieving personal and professional fulfillment in your life, and that is something you need not forget.

Introducing Legal27: Your Reliable AI-driven Receptionist

If you are seeking to further support your legal practice, consider leveraging innovative and technological solutions for your law firm, one such as Legal27, an AI-driven receptionist team tailored specifically for lawyers.

You will find in Legal27 the digital assistance your business may be lacking. Our AI-driven receptionist is at the forefront of the legal industry’s digital improvements.

This is not only a “robot”; as it features advanced artificial intelligence and natural language processing capabilities, Legal27 provides a seamless and efficient approach for receptionist services; from managing all your client communication to schedule appointments, deliver crucial information to clients (FAQs) and handle administrative tasks.

With Legal27, you will find a significant enhancement to your client’s experience while saving valuable time and resources for yourself.
Legal27 provides a professional, smart service that will allow you to take your legal practice to the next level.

Reach out and contact us today!



Gabriela Díaz

✍🏻 Hey! I'm a Freelance writer and SEO. Spanish-English translator and teacher. Contact me if you want to work with me: gabdlatorre@gmail.com