A Controlled Output of the LSTM Network in Some Text Generating Problem


Legal Neural Networks
The Legal Neural Networks Blog
6 min readOct 10, 2018


Abstract. The approach for the generating the structured texts is
presented. The Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network is used as
the basis element. The common LSTM network doesn’t take into
account the specific of such texts. The restrictive situations, which
define the additional rules for generating, have been outlined. Thus, a
control unit is proposed for correcting the states and the outputs of the
network according to the need of this problem. It consists of the
switching module for choosing the type of correction, the neural
networks for attention mechanisms, the modules for the specific
decoding, etc. In future research the control unit, which covers the most
number of the restricted situations, will be formalized and built.

Keywords. Text generation, neural network, policy, LSTM network,
machine learning, control input, restrictive situation.


There are many applications of neural networks nowadays. The mathematical
modeling in different areas [1, 2], the speech and facial expression recognition [3], the classifications [4], the texts translation [5] and others are providing using this tool. Also a big amount of scientific paper is devoted to improving the networks effectivity [6, 7].

Different networks show good results in different cases. One of the type is the LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) network [8, 9]. It is a special kind of recurrent neural network, capable of learning long-term dependencies. It is very important when network’s output depends on not only the present input but also the previous ones. It influences at the structure of network, its studying and so on.

In our study we consider the text generating problem, in which it is needed to take into account the previous letters or even words for correct network’s output [10]. For example, Y. Choi with co-authors used such neural network for storytelling [11]. Therefore, we have chosen the LSTM networks to adopt it for our purposes.

We noticed that there are many texts with very similar strict structure. For
example, they are the rules of services, the privacy policies at the customer’s
websites, the data policies etc. They are needed for almost every company. But a common LSTM network does not take into account their specifics (the differences in the organization titles, the length and structure of the sentences, using different contexts and others).

So, we define the problem as the creating the set of different neural networks and programming modules for:
- the generating different policies;
- the working with income tax filling;
- the generating letters for different typical cases (the immigration, the
relationships at the work, the property issues);
- etc.
That is why it is necessary to create the approach for mentioned problem. In this paper we have tried to establish the problem and formulate a general approach to solving it.


Let us consider the LSTM network from [9]. The network is shown schematically in figure 1.

According to the [2] the output and state are calculated using following

It is the simplest example of the LSTM networks but in our case this does not
affect further reasoning.
As mentioned above, we are dealing with strictly structured texts. That’s why
sometime we need to get the network’s output in a specific form. At this moment we have identified the following cases:
- inserting specific words or phrases into certain parts of sentences;
- limitation of the sentence and paragraphs lengths;
- using the specific terms and contexts;
- need to use some words more often;
- etc.
Let us denote the given cases as some types of restrictive situations.
Proposed in fig. 1 standard network or its well-known modifications don’t have a mechanism for these issues. To solve this problem a certain module is needed, which corrects the network’s output and state. And in the paper we present some approach for constructing the such control unit.


Let us consider in more detail two cases of different restrictive situations.

When we consider the input texts for network studying it is necessary to pay more attention to special words: the titles of companies and organizations, the names of persons, the posts of personal, etc. In this case we act throw the two stages. First is to encode such terms to separate values. And during the second stage when we get the results of the network output our control unit should replace those codes to the codes which relate to those for whom this text is generated. This decoding module should be pre-programmed for certain contexts.

When we need to use some terms more often the mechanism of attention can help. The many algorithms for it have already exists [12, 13]. Common to them is the use of a separate neural network which “knows” what words we prefer in certain case. But it should be different for each subject. Let’s name this part of CU as attention module.
The conceptual scheme of the proposed control unit is presented in figure 3. It
helps to adopt the LSTM network for our purposes.

In this paper we propose the approach which makes it possible to improve the
LSTM networks for generating some types of the structured texts. We have
outlined the different cases of the restricted situations and have already tested this approach on several simple types of them. The control unit is used for interrupting the network’s work and correcting its state and output. It consists of the separate neural networks and others modules for different types of the restricted situations. In future research we want to formalize and build the control unit which covers the most number of the restricted situations.


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