The best lawyers will educate the best neural networks and create perfect templates.

Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence soon will be your best office employee or personal secretary.

Legal Neural Networks
The Legal Neural Networks Blog
3 min readSep 19, 2018


Preparing of any legal document starts from understanding what type of document you need. It can be negotiation letters, petition, notice, building permit, complaint, agreements between businesses for the purchase of products, tax declaration or one of many other document types.
After that, you hire a lawyer or buying a blank template and trying to fill it yourself. Lawyers also often use templates to avoid wasting time on known formulations. When you try to fill out unfamiliar template yourself, there are always questions. And users in the process of filling in the template are forced to seek the advice from lawyers. Signing and sending off the wrong filled document not only waste your time and money but even sometimes can lead to criminal charges.

All this happens because, there is no connection between blank template, you, and your individual task. These blank templates were prepared by professionals, but far away from you. The blank template doesn’t take into account your specifics and nuances, these templates even don’t know your name.
We do not offer you blank templates. Define your request, upload basic information or document. We train neural networks for each type of request. The first neural network analyzes your document, determines its specificity and if necessary, can ask additional information from you.

Only after the artificial intelligence has analyzed your request, it gives the command to the next neural network(“assistant”) to prepare your document. Managing the main neural network creativity with the help of another neural network is our patented method. You can check our patent registration . As a result of the work of our application, you get an absolutely individual document which you only need to check and sign.
If you have a feeling that we are calling to refuse from lawyers, you are mistaken! No No and one more time No.
It is difficult to imagine a profession in which there are more subtleties than in the profession of lawyers. And no one can train a specialized neural network better than a professional lawyer. We are completing the programming of a method for training specialized neural networks by lawyers. And we will give every progressive lawyer the opportunity to train his own neural network. Raise an assistant who does not require a salary increase and will not get sick.
And only together with lawyers, we will be able to provide customers with the best service.
No one can teach artificial intelligence to compose excellent documents for a peace agreement between the wife and husband, better than the divorce lawyer.
Nobody can better formulate the application for construction than a local lawyer who visits the city in his small town dozens of times a year.
Each neural network trained by an individual lawyer will be available in our application. And it will not only bring additional income and advertising to the lawyer, but it will also save the lawyer himself from a huge amount of routine work. Find out more you can on our website.

