Will Neural Networks be your next office employee?

We know for sure.

Legal Neural Networks
The Legal Neural Networks Blog
3 min readSep 30, 2018


When you try to keep up with the latest trends and you encounter an article about “office of the future”, most of the time you will be reading about electronic whiteboards, cybersecurity, sit/stand desks, energy-saving buildings, biophilic design, wearable tech, 3D printing, IoT, and many other things. But you won’t find much information about how actually employees will be working in offices.
Although each office has its own style of work and tasks, all offices one way or another work with documents. It can be contracts, receipts, invoices, taxes, instructions, letters or other documents. Paperwork has always been the black hole for working time, so wealthy people always paying for it to other people. Names, dates, addresses, numbers, texts, all this requires writing and filling, this work was always been done by humans. Only recently began attempts to automate the work with documents.

Now for many, the automatic filling of delivery addresses, names, e-mails and other forms on the internet, has become the norm of life, this filling comes from memorization of the data you entered earlier. But huge changes coming soon to the ways we work with forms and documents. A few years ago new chapter in automation started.
Cheap computing power, scientific researches and the ability to collect large volumes of data, allowed for the last two years to make incredible breakthroughs in the field of machine learning, artificial intelligence and artificial neural networks.
In our time it is easy enough to imagine robots working in offices. Smart offices already use AI for booking tickets, schedule planning, controlling the temperature and lighting, ordering a taxi, finding music and other things, and in the future, the number of tasks that can be shifted to AI will only grow.
Although many have heard about AI, not many understand how it actually works. More detailed about Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence work we will write in the future publications, but for now we can give you the basic understanding.

For example, if you give 1000 of your incoming emails to the neural network and 500 letters with your responses, the neural network can learn why you responded only to 500 letters, how you responded, in what time you did it and many other things. The operator chooses what exactly he wants the neural network to learn. After some learning, this neural network will be able to respond to these letters almost same way as you did. This ability comes not from just remembering 1000 letters and trying to copy your responses, it comes from the ability to learn and understand what kind of job you are doing. Our team has long studying the possibilities of automating work with documents, and breakthroughs in the ANN sphere now give us the opportunity to realize our ideas. Neural networks are already able to easily read texts and recognize texts in images. Soon you will be able to test the work of neural networks yourself in our first mobile application for Android. Our first goal is to use our experience and ideas to bring automation to the legal services market.
In the next publications, you will be able to read more about our company, products, neural networks and how we are going to change the LegalTech market.

More information on our site.

