5 Reasons How Do-IT-Yourself (DIY) legal documents is making it easy for Startups

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4 min readJun 27, 2016

The term “do-it-yourself” has been associated with consumers since at least 1912 primarily in the domain of home improvement and maintenance activities. Do it yourself, also known as DIY, is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals.

The inception of the concept of DIY vis-à-vis legal platforms is when someone wants to get something legit in writing but is a little tight on budget. This attitude develops when the clients pay lacs and crores of money regardless of outcome and in the case of cash-strapped Startups this concept finds an apt usage.

Some key benefits of DIY Legal

1. No Initial Dependency & Cost Cutting

The best in using DIY tools is the idea to manage it all alone or with little help. With DIY tools you can atleast be aware of the legal documentation you require for your business and if needed can think about contacting a lawyer. DIY is a great way to get started and educated.

You end up having no dependency and very minimal upfront costs.

It is an essential benefit for businesses, wanting to maintain cost low. What the founders or members of Startup have to do is instead of spending humongous amounts on paying fee to the lawyers or firms there are numerous formats of legal documents available free or at low cost and on the other hand their usage can be sought from a legal expert who may cost less than a full-time layer. Thus, they have the opportunity to save those expenses and invest them in other areas.

2. Save time

The great thing about DIY is that you are master of your time having the freedom to work on your whenever your timetable allows it. No need to waste weeks scheduling third parties’ assistance. You can now easily do it yourself exactly the way you have imaged it.

3. Maintain complete control

If you want to make any changes in the legal policies, even after it’s published, you can do it yourself without waiting for an expert help or going through a third-party. Being able to edit changes and fulfill improvements at any time, you thus retain a full control.

4. Get flexibility

Flexibility offered is one of their greatest advantages, letting you create a unique approach according to your current business targets. The essence is that one is not dependent on the acts or advices of lawyers all the time, they do not bind a Startup. It furthermore gives you the liberty to be on top of the tide, doing things in the manner one feels like according to his/her own whims and fancies.

5. Entrust proficient customer support

All reputable companies now provide professional customer support 24/7. That only means one thing — customer service agents will be there for you to solve problems in due time. On top, if feeling not competent enough, you can also ask for expert advisory on content and design to make sure your site boasts a professional vision.

Lastly, the DIY revolution is simplifying the technological processes to help SMEs and individual entrepreneurs easily adapt to online commerce. The approach is also helping customers engage in self-service instead of paying experts. Indeed, the credit goes to innovations that are pushing many current start-ups to adopt the DIY mode and propelling it from the margins to the center of the economy.

Internationally, legal tech has started to disrupt the legal service industry and DIY has become an important component of it. The concept of DIY though is associated with the maker movement, but its adoption in the legal industry brings a lot of optimism for the modern entrepreneur.

Disclaimer: LegalNow will offer 100+ legal documents DIY service at launch and believes strongly in empowering the modern entrepreneur with such tools.

About the Author

This article has been co-authored by Harshit Parekh, Co-Founder, Director at LegalNow and Guest author — Rudraksh Durrani, Intern at LegalNow

