Zahier Adams
Legaycza publications
5 min readJun 27, 2024


Chapter 4: Unleashed Fury

The street lamps flickered, casting eerie shadows upon the desolate scene. Joshua’s piercing gaze held steady, his eyes radiating a lethal intensity.

Emboldened by their numerical advantage, the mongrels closed in, their malevolent grins belying their impending doom.

Without a word, the dance of chaos began. The air crackled with primal energy as fists met flesh and bones shattered.

Each strike from Joshua was a testament to his inherited brutality, echoing his father’s formidable presence. The darkness within him surged forth, empowering his every move and fueling his rage.

The sound of bones crunching and agonized cries filled the night, drowned out only by the rhythmic pounding of Joshua’s fists. His movements were fluid and precise, a killer choreography that left his adversaries reeling.

They had underestimated the depth of his wrath, unaware of the storm brewing within his core.

As the mongrels fell one by one, their bodies limp and broken, a realization dawned upon them – a revelation that sent chills down their spines.

Joshua was not a mere heir to his father’s empire; he was an entity unto himself, a force born from a lineage steeped in darkness and forged in the crucible of violence.

Bloodied and battered, Joshua stood amidst the wreckage of his fallen foes, breathing heavily and laboring. The taste of triumph mingled with the metallic tang of blood upon his lips.

It was a bittersweet victory, a testament to his lineage, and an embodiment of the darkness within him.Silence enveloped the scene, broken only by the distant wails of sirens.

Once a formidable gang, the mongrels lay defeated and broken; their reign of terror was brought to a swift and merciless end.

They had witnessed firsthand the fury of Joshua Morningstar, a force that surpassed their wildest imaginings.

As the night wore on, Joshua stood amidst the debris, his gaze hardened and resolute. The encounter had awoken something primal within him, realizing that the darkness he possessed was both a curse and a gift.

With each passing moment, he embraced his true nature, ready to carve his path through the treacherous world his father had left behind.

For Joshua Morningstar, this was just the beginning – a prelude to the symphony of chaos and power that awaited him. As he walked away from the carnage, the echoes of his adversaries’ defeat lingered, a chilling reminder of the untamed fury within his soul.

Joshua’s powerful physique exuded an aura of strength and agility. Whispers of his prowess had reached the ears of those who sought to exploit his father’s empire, yet they dismissed him as an in consequential youth.

Underestimation clung to them like a shroud, closing their eyes to the storm within him.“Step out of the van,” commanded the man, standing at a mere 5.5 feet.

His body adorned with tattoos and piercings, he exuded an air of misplaced authority, his baggy jeans and worn brown leather Timberland boots adding to his facade.

“We want a piece of your father’s business,” he sneered, oblivious to the danger that simmered beneath Joshua’s calm demeanor. “With your father’s influence, our enterprises will crumble.”

Joshua, a flicker of amusement dancing in his eyes, calmly removed his glasses. “And how exactly do you propose I assist you?” he inquired, his voice tinged with subtle mockery.

In a swift motion, the man brandished a knife, directing its menacing tip toward Joshua. Unfazed, Joshua’s lips curled into a sly smile.

“Be cautious with that blade. Accidents tend to happen when people are careless.”A flicker of uncertainty crossed the man’s face as he turned to his companions, his voice laced with unease.

“Hosh ouens Luister Vir die France.” The group listened intently, intrigued by the exchange unfolding before them. Undeterred, Joshua advanced toward the man named Frances.

“You have three seconds to reconsider your actions,” he warned, his eyes glinting with a hidden resolve.The man, defiant to the core, refused to back down.

“Not gonna happen,” he spat, his arrogance evident. With a swift motion, Joshua turned away, allowing a glimpse of the tattoo that adorned his chest, left purposefully exposed by an unbuttoned shirt.

Recognition dawned on the man’s face as the gravity of their mistake weighed upon them. This was no ordinary encounter; they had trifled with Lucifer’s bloodline.“We didn’t mean any harm,” the men stammered, their guns falling to the ground in a feeble attempt at appeasement.

“We never realized…” Joshua’s eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with chilling intensity, “…realize what?”Tiffany, Joshua’s sister, appeared on the scene, concerned, etching her features. “Joshua, everything alright?”

A reassuring smile curved his lips as Joshua replied, “Yes, everything is fine.” The men, their hearts sinking, comprehended the gravity of their blunder. This is Lucifer’s daughter, a force to be reckoned with.

“Leave my sight,” Joshua commanded, his tone laced with icy authority. “It’s time I pay a visit to these mongrels.” Reaper, an associate of Lucifer’s, was known as the “cleaning service” for a reason.

His loyalty was unwavering, and his services were generously rewarded.

As the men retreated, their spirits crushed beneath the weight of their foolishness; they understood the magnitude of their misstep.

The wrath of the Morningstar family was not to be trifled with. The reaper’s presence loomed, a harbinger of swift and merciless retribution.

With a sense of foreboding, they scattered, knowing all too well the price they would soon pay for crossing paths with the heirs of darkness.

Reaper, a sinister figure cloaked in shadows, held clandestine connections within the depths of the worldwide Forensic Police Department.

He could vanish the very existence of missing person files with a mere whisper into thin air. His influence reached far and wide, rendering any trace of evidence or inquiry into oblivion. Like a phantom, he wove his web of manipulation, erasing the trails that led to the truth. No one dared to question his authority, for those who did often found themselves entangled in a labyrinth of deceit from which there was no escape.

Reaper’s mastery over the hidden workings of law enforcement transformed him into an unseen puppeteer, pulling the strings of justice to suit his sinister purpose.

Photo by Osama Almadhagi on Unsplash



Zahier Adams
Legaycza publications

Author, Novelist, creative writer, content viewer, proof reading,