Zahier Adams
Legaycza publications
5 min readJun 28, 2024



The line between good and evil is permeable, and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces which either make or break us. The is no stopping death when it comes knocking at your door No stopping death when it comes

knocking at your door

Published by Zahier Adams

Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Chapter 5: Embracing the Neighborhood

Under the warm embrace of a sunny morning, the Morningstars settled into their new neighborhood.

They had decided to relocate to a more suitable climate for Rowan, Joshua’s baby brother, who was born with Cerebral Palsy.

Despite the adjustments they had to make, Joshua embraced the change wholeheartedly, driven by his unwavering love and devotion to his younger sibling.

With his gentle soul and fragile body, Rowan relied on others for even the most basic tasks.

Bound to a wheelchair, he could not walk, sit, or perform simple actions with his hands.

The weight of his dependency cast a shadow of vulnerability over him, necessitating round-the-clock care and attention.

Yet, within this realm of limitation, Julia, their mother, found solace and beauty. She embraced Rowan’s condition as a precious gift, never letting it dampen her spirits.

She shielded and nurtured her loved ones fiercely, cherishing life’s joys.

As the family arrived at their new residence, located at Paarl Street in the vibrant neighborhood of 218 Actonville, Benoni, they couldn’t help but notice the curious gazes of their new neighbors.

The streets buzzed with activity, a bustling community where familiar faces greeted each other with warmth and familiarity.

Joshua, a confident and articulate young man, keenly observed his surroundings. The spray-painted fences and walls, adorned with various distinctive gang signs, caught his attention.

The atmosphere felt markedly different from the place he had grown up in. He spotted a group of individuals gathered beneath a tree, their vests and peculiar tattoos marking their affiliation.

Gang culture was no stranger to Joshua; from a tender age, he had been acquainted with the symbolism and hierarchies that defined these groups.

The tattoos on their skin mirrored a familiar world he had known, for Lucifer’s notorious reputation transcended boundaries, reaching far beyond their previous locale.

After settling in and familiarizing themselves with their new home, Joshua turned to Tiffany, his sister, and proposed a walk to explore the area.

“Hey, Mom, Tiffany and I are going out for a stroll,” he announced, seeking her permission and eager to delve deeper into the intricacies of their new community.

As Joshua and Tiffany exited the house, the warm sun illuminated the street, casting a golden glow on the surroundings.

The neighborhood was a vibrant tapestry of life, with houses lining both sides of the road.

People sat outside, savoring drinks and enjoying the rhythmic beats of music that filled the air, a mix of Tupac’s iconic tracks resonating through the streets.

Being newcomers to the area, Joshua and Tiffany couldn’t escape the curious gazes of their neighbors.

The residents, with their diverse backgrounds and stories, were eager to uncover the mystery of the family that had moved in.

One particular man caught their attention. His appearance was distinct, with close-cropped hair, a complexion marked by a scar, and a number inked on his neck – twenty-six, accompanied by a dollar sign.

He exuded a streetwise confidence and carried himself with a confident swagger.

Another individual, standing at a shorter stature with flowing dreadlocks, donned greyish Adidas tracksuit pants and a white vest.

A prominent serpent tattoo entwined with a dragon adorned his skin, while another enigmatic tattoo was barely visible just beneath it.

Curiosity piqued, and Joshua couldn’t help but voice his thoughts. “What’s the story behind that peculiar tattoo?”

With a knowing smile, the man sporting the American flag tattoo replied, “Ah, you’ve noticed. It’s a symbol that carries meaning for us.”

Tiffany, recognizing the tattoo, chimed in, “I’ve seen that tattoo before, back in our old neighborhood.”

Intrigued, the man with the American flag tattoo leaned closer, his eyes fixed on the siblings. “So, who exactly are you?”

Etched boldly on the man’s hand, twenty-eight commanded attention and respect. It was a prison tattoo earned through a grueling initiation process akin to the one Lucifer had endured.

As one of the highest ranks obtainable, twenty-eight symbolized unparalleled authority within the confines of

incarceration. To attain such a position, prisoners selected a ranking of twenty-six, twenty-seven, or twenty-eight after enduring the trials and tribulations of prison life.

But the coveted number twenty-eight represented the zenith of power, an elite few who reigned supreme over their fellow inmates.

They held dominion over life and Death, issuing orders to the twenty-sevens, who did their bidding without question.

Not only did they dictate the hierarchy of violence, but they also controlled the meager sustenance within the prison walls, manipulating food distribution.

Their corrupt influence even extended to exploiting vulnerable youth, subjecting them to acts of dominance and manipulation.

“Keep walking, Tiffany,” Joshua commanded firmly, his voice brimming with determination.

Approaching the group of five, Joshua confronted them head-on.

Three bore the same tattoo, representing their allegiance and shared hierarchy. The man with the dreadlocks asserted his authority, commanding Joshua to “sit.” A faint smile played upon Joshua’s lips, betraying a subtle defiance that simmered beneath his composed exterior. “No, I prefer to stand,” he retorted, refusing to succumb to their demands.

The man’s tone grew more aggressive, his voice laced with a menacing edge. “Hey, I said sit down!”

Joshua’s gaze shifted briefly to Tiffany, silently assuring her of his unwavering resolve.

She shook her head in awe and disbelief, struggling to comprehend the unfolding scene.

These fools have no clue of the force they reckon with,” Joshua remarked, his words laced with a blend of superiority and amusement.

Despite his tender age of only ten, he possessed an uncanny wisdom far beyond his years.

Adorned with a Mafia tattoo depicting a dagger piercing his heart, he embodied the legacy of strength and resilience that ran through his veins.

Standing at an imposing height of six-seven Feet, Joshua commanded attention with his short hair, fair complexion, and piercing green eyes.

His t-shirt concealed the intricate mafia tattoo across his chest, symbolizing his unwavering loyalty and unyielding spirit.

With a steely gaze, he directed his attention towards the man adorned with twenty-eight and the one with the American flag tattoo. Contrary to

Tiffany’s astonishment, Joshua’s decision to sit was not an act of submission but a calculated move to expose the misguided assumptions of his adversaries.

In this pivotal moment, he revealed his true mettle, proving that age held no dominion over his indomitable spirit and cunning resolve.



Zahier Adams
Legaycza publications

Author, Novelist, creative writer, content viewer, proof reading,