Zahier Adams
Legaycza publications
8 min read3 days ago


Dark honor

The line between good and evil is porous, and almost anyone can be induced to cross it when pressured by situational forces which either make or break us. The is no stopping Death when it comes knocking at your door.

Written by Zahier Adams

Published by

Legacy. Z.A.

Copyright © [The year 2019] [Legacy Za]

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by S.A copyright law, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book. This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are either products of the author’s imagination or are used. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

For permissions, contact: Legacy Za Link includes illustration.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash


s tore through the air, a symphony of anguish. Wails of despair mingled with desperate cries and sorrowful sobs, their echoes bouncing off the dungeon’s cold, unforgiving walls. In this wretched place, regrets festered, punishments loomed, and sufferings thrived.

The pain was the currency of this hellish realm, its stench permeating every corner. And there he stood, tall and sinewy, donned in a blood-red silk suit. His eyes, pools of pure darkness, pierced through your very soul.

One glance from him, and he would unravel the deepest desires hidden within, his words. sliding off his tongue with a mixture of velvety smoothness and bone-chilling menace, causing the hairs on your neck to stand on end.Lucifer, the master manipulator, had woven a tapestry of deceit to convince the world that darkness and evil were mere myths.

With this ruse, he enticed unsuspecting souls into his dungeon, delighting in their pain and reveling in the macabre spectacle of blood splattered across the floor. At the same time, rats feasted upon the remains of the deceased. His eyes, so deceptive, lulled you into a false sense of security, making you believe his realm was the safest place. The mere whisper of his name struck fear into the hearts of others. As he strolled through the dungeon, his slaves, reduced to broken shells of humanity, begged for the release of Death. The anticipation of the unimaginable atrocities he would inflict upon them caused their hearts to race with terror.

Lucifer Morningstar had transformed his son into a demon, a testament to the boundless depths of his cruelty. “Love has no boundaries,” he sneered, reveling in the perversion of affection. Joshua and his sister, Tiffany, harbored secrets buried six feet under, with only the deceased aware of their weight.

Lucifer’s enemies swiftly dispatched, leaving no survivors to recount their tales, for being the most feared and ruthless figure on earth made his family a constant target. “You were a heartless asshole, and now your family will pay dearly for the lives you have ruined,” a voice laced with vengeance declared.

The consequences of his actions would be paid in blood and darkness, unleashing chaos upon all. “You took my family; now I will make you all suffer.” The prison had shaped him into the monster he had become, confirming the shadows and tales whispered throughout his childhood as harbingers of his inevitable destiny.

“Evil will always follow you wherever you go,” he mused. “Dwell, but don’t dwell too far, for my shadow will draw you back to where you belong. It’s either with me or dead.” Resisting only weakened the spirit, rendering one feeble. Tread carefully, but never forget to glance over your shoulder. Those shadows were not ordinary; they were your inner demons, your. enemies lurking within. “I will pursue you, beckon you, and kill you if you dare to ignore me.”

“Feel your strength wane as your lifeblood drips onto the unforgiving concrete floor. But do not surrender, for you have lives to save,” a defiant voice urged. “That’s enough, Dad; now it’s our turn.”

“Our turn?” Lucifer’s laughter reverberated, echoing through the darkness. Yet, at that moment, he realized he had gravely underestimated his children. “Who will have the last laugh now, Father?”

“Will we love you enough to spare you? Darkness courses through our veins, and your suffering will make us heartless and ruthless. We have endured enough; now it is your turn, Father.”

“You have spilled enough blood, and I will stop you, even if it demands everything within me. I am Nothing like you.”

“Your perfect life was never perfect, especially when you had to shield the one you love from your father.” Welcome to Dark Honor, where the release of a swift death is more pleasurable than enduring the presence of Lucifer Morningstar

Chapter 7: Unleashing Fury

Laughter erupted from Joshua, an uncontrollable burst that resonated through the tense air. “You must be joking,” he exclaimed, a blend of disbelief and scorn lacing his voice. The officer, unyielding in his conviction, shook his head sternly. “No joke. You’re under arrest on suspicion of distributing drugs.”

The situation took a rapid turn as the officer lunged toward Tiffany, his intentions clear as he reached for the handcuffs. Sensing an imminent threat, Joshua’s instincts kicked into high gear. He swiftly disarmed the officers in a blur of motion, their guns clattering to the ground. The tide had shifted, and the balance of power tilted in Joshua’s favor.

With a seething fury in his eyes, Joshua confronted the officer who dared lay hands on his sister.

Gripping him by the throat, Joshua effortlessly hoisted him into the air, his grip constricting like a vice.

The officer’s body collided with the police car, a resounding crash that echoed the depth of Joshua’s anger. “How dare you touch my sister, you despicable excuse for a human being!” Joshua’s voice reverberated with a potent mix of rage and protectiveness.

As the other officer brandished his baton, a futile attempt to subdue Joshua, he was trapped in a vicelike grip. Joshua’s fingers closed around the officer’s wrist, the pressure intensifying, a stark reminder of the consequences that awaited those who crossed him. “No one lays a hand on my sister, you worthless scum,” Joshua growled, his words a chilling warning.

Tiffany, her heart racing with fear and relief, squeezed Joshua’s shoulder, her touch reassuring amidst the turmoil. “It’s okay, Josh, I’m alright,” she whispered, her voice a soothing balm to his simmering anger.

The defeated officer, his partner held aloft by Joshua, stepped back, the reality of their actions sinking in.

A sense of trepidation filled the air, their defeated expressions a testament to the power they had underestimated. “Consider this a warning,” Joshua declared, his voice laced with a grim resolve. “We will be back, and justice will prevail.” With those parting words, the officers retreated, their departure a temporary respite from the storm that would inevitably follow.

The onlookers stunned into silence, witnessed the raw display of power and determination. Their eyes followed Joshua and Tiffany as they made their decision. “Let’s return home,” Joshua stated, his voice unwavering. “This neighborhood seems safe enough for us.”

Just as they prepared to leave, a call interrupted their thoughts. It was their mother inquiring about their whereabouts and dinner. “We’re on our way, Mom,” Joshua responded, his voice tinged with weariness and determination. With a shared glance, they set off, heading back home, their steps marking a journey punctuated by challenges and the unwavering bond that held them together.

It was a quiet Saturday afternoon, the sun casting warm golden rays upon the neighborhood. Joshua stood near the entrance of their new home, eagerly awaiting his father’s arrival.

Since their recent move, Tiffany had already made acquaintances among the neighbors, quickly noticing that the locals were fond of their alcoholic indulgences.

When they first arrived, two kind-hearted elderly ladies warmly greeted them, accompanied by three girls who offered their assistance in moving their belongings into the house. Joshua couldn’t help but notice one of the girls stealing glances in his direction, anticipating his sister’s playful teasing later.

Adjacent to their home, a bustling tavern stood, its outdoor seating area filled with a boisterous crowd of intoxicated patrons, engrossed in their drinks and the wafting smoke of cigarettes.

As the neighbors began to converse amongst themselves, their attention shifted to four black BMW SUV X5s cruising down the street, capturing their curiosity. “Dad?” Tiffany questioned, both siblings rising to their feet, their gazes fixated on the approaching vehicles.

A chauffeur emerged from one of the cars, promptly opening the door as six imposing figures, armed and vigilant, stood outside. Among them was a distinguished gentleman, standing at an impressive height of 6.5 feet, his short hair neatly groomed.

A gold ring adorned his middle finger, engraved with his initials, serving as a subtle testament to his authority. His body displayed the unmistakable tattoo of the number twenty-seven, a symbol of his high-ranking status. Donning sunglasses and a sleek black suit, he confidently emerged from the SUV.

“Hey, Joshua and Tiffany,” he greeted warmly, acknowledging their presence. “Great to see you. Where is your mother?” Tiffany’s face lit up as she embraced her father, their long-awaited reunion filled with genuine affection.

The patriarch’s gaze then shifted towards the group of Americans, curiosity flickering in his eyes. They were surprised to encounter Lucifer in person, the infamous man feared by many worldwide. Joshua could sense his father’s piercing scrutiny and his ability to detect deception even within his family.

Despite their inherent abilities as the Gifted, Joshua and Tiffany knew their father possessed a keen insight into their honesty.

Tiffany was on the verge of recounting their recent encounter with the Americans, but Joshua, aware of their father’s perceptive nature, subtly shook his head, signaling her to remain silent. “No, Dad,”

Joshua interjected confidently. “They have been nothing but welcoming.” Lucifer, attuned to his children’s subtle cues, nodded in acknowledgment, his piercing gaze conveying a silent understanding.

“Hey, where is your mother?” Lucifer inquired, his attention turning towards the gate. With a snap of his fingers, he directed their focus to the outbuilding, where his men diligently carried nine mysterious black bags. Joshua’s eyes followed his father’s gesture, catching a glimpse of their mother.

Witnessing his parents share an affectionate kiss before disappearing into the lounge, Joshua couldn’t help but feel a tinge of curiosity, uncertain of the conversation that had taken place.

As Lucifer exited the house, an air of authority accompanied him. His entourage fell in line, their movements synchronized with his own. Joshua trailed alongside his father, observing his every action as they approached the man with dreadlocks, the same individual who had commanded the respect of his comrades. In unison, the other men, a formidable group of ten, rose to their feet, their presence towering with a sense of power and loyalty.



Zahier Adams
Legaycza publications

Author, Novelist, creative writer, content viewer, proof reading,