Build the Legend. Get Rewarded.

Everything You Need To Know

The Cryptory
5 min readJan 25, 2023


Photo by “My Life Through A Lens” on Unsplash

What You Do

  • Be part of our Discord community.
  • Vote on storylines — voters are randomly chosen to win different amounts of $SCRT.
  • Submit quests — quests that are chosen to be part of the game earn their authors 10 $SCRT

The Legendao Universe: A Recap

Legendao is a story-driven fantasy RPG adventure in a realm of ethereal, forbidding beauty.

Legendao Universe sneak peek

You begin your quest as a Yeti initiate taking the first steps on your path to become Legendary: one of the most powerful sect of Cryptids tasked with protecting the Secret.

Defeat opponents, solve riddles and overcome various other challenges — quests — according to the stats of your different skill attributes.

Complete these quests to Level up and gain more XP and Loot.

The higher your Level, the better staking privileges on the Legendao Universe platform you receive.

Legendao’s mechanism is based on DND20 dynamics within a 2D point-of-interaction singleplayer game.

We need your help to make the game happen by voting on storylines and submitting quests.

This is what the creative aspect of LegenDAO is all about.

You, our community, are integral to the success of this project. It is you who will help make the Legendao Universe and Mint Lab into something Legendary.

We know it and we want to reward you for it.

What We Need

Storylines and Quests

There are 26 areas in the game.

Each area will need a storyline.

The Legendao community will vote on three different threads each time a new storyline is needed.

The #quest-submissions channel in Discord will remain open so that you can submit your quest for any area you choose.

We need many of them so submit as many as you wish. Each quest that we use for the game will earn its author 10 $SCRT.


Each storyline must build upon its preceding one. The storylines always use the background lore as inspiration and stay true to the whole concept in the Lore as seen here.

After these three storylines are shared, the Legendao community as a whole will choose one of them by popular vote and admin confirmation.

The winning storyline will then be expanded and published as a new lore chapter to be developed as an actual part of the platform.

After a storyline is voted in, the next round of voting will happen after developers complete the execution of the previous storyline within the game.


Here is the basic quest template:

The text description is limited to 250 characters.

Quests must have options for each stat: strength, wisdom or dexterity (like combat, puzzles or actions demanding a mix of wisdom and strength)

Types of quests include:

  • random encounter
  • random challenge
  • test challenge at new POI
  • story challenge at new POI
  • combat challenge at new POI

Here is a sample quest:

Name: Face the Beast
Type: Combat
Area: (as more Areas are added, people can choose the Area where their quest takes place).

Text: A cute, little furry bunny rabbit blinks at you. “Aww,” you say, “What a sweet little bunny rabbit.” Suddenly, it opens a maw of gaping, sharp teeth and flings itself at you with murder in its gleaming red eyes!

Button Option 1: Fight! (strength)
Button Option 2: Run away! (dexterity)
Button Option 3: Feed it a banana. (wisdom)

Option 1 win: The bunny sniffs at you with disdain and scuffles away, looking for a banana.
Option 1 lose: The bunny tears out your throat with its teeth, blood spurting everywhere.
Option 2 win: You have saved yourself from imminent destruction, though you are still slightly in shock.
Option 2 lose: Your cowardly running is to no avail. The bunny catches up to you and rips out your throat.
Option 3 win: You have made the bunny very happy. It contentedly munches on a banana while you make your getaway.
Option 3 lose: You have made the bunny very happy. But before eating the banana, it rips out your throat.

You don’t have to worry about providing perfect text for the quest options. But make sure that you’re as clear and creative as possible.

There Is No Game Over

Just something to know re: gameplay mechanics: Characters cannot die in the traditional video game sense. When lowered to zero health, a player will be disabled for a number of minutes equal to his level. An event window will pop up explaining what happened and the consequences. When that time ends, he can continue the game from where he was with full health.

We’ll release more gameplay mechanics soon — but it’s important for those writing the quests to understand that death in its literal sense is not an option.


Voting earns random rewards.

Accepted Quests earn 10 $SCRT.

Other Community Perks:

We want to provide real benefit to the most active participants in the Legendao community. We’re considering promotion of yourself or your personal project on the main Twitter account, opportunities for collaboration with other Secret projects and access to valuable perks through collaboration with stassh. This would all be dependent on community request and needs. If we see people want it, we’ll set it up.

Join our 👾Discord.

Make sure you’re following Legendao and The Council of Gyld on Twitter, as well.

Legendao is an independent project under SCRT Labs auspices.

✒️Lore Legends / Council of Gyld Twitter
🤐Secret Network
🧪SCRT Labs



The Cryptory

Web3 | Crypto | Copywriter | Builder | Content Creator | Sh*tposter | NFT Artist | Metalhead | Kuinoichi | Bear Jew Momma