Lore — Kwaneg — The Yeti

Those Who See The Signs

The Cryptory
3 min readDec 19, 2022


Kwaneg awoke, an ache in his bones. Grumbling, he shook his huge white mane, scattering the snow that clung to his shaggy hair. He stretched. His knuckles scraped the tall cave ceiling. His fanged mouth yawned a rumbling roar.

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

The crevice where he made his icy home trembled at his movements. Frozen spears fell free and shattered to the ground.

The North knew when a Yeti rose from his slumber.

The mighty creature grunted. He knew this feeling. A dull sensation coiled deep in his core, sending sparks of anger into his heart.

Kwaneg was linked to all things. Connected. Attuned to the tides of time and the sway of the stars, as all of his kind were. Something momentous had changed. History had shifted. The flow of fate did not alter course often or easily, except by the clumsy hands of one creature.

“Humans,” Kwaneg growled in disgust. His rumble of rage caused the caves to quake and release another flurry of fallen icicles.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Humans had a tendency that never failed to make Kwaneg furious throughout the centuries he’d watched them from afar. These furless and fangless mini-beasts fumbled throughout history to meddle with things beyond their understanding. What was even more annoying to Kwaneg is that they never learned from their stupid mistakes. In their perpetual ignorance, they forged a habit of failure. They sunk their empires beneath the seas and buried them in the sands.

Despite his contempt, Kwaneg found humans to be clever little creatures. But after watching them foul up the world for thousands of years, he could not stand how their short lives and shorter tempers led them away from wisdom.

That is why Kwaneg fled the reach of mankind so, so long ago. But now, as he shambled to the mouth of the cave, his fury grew. They had meddled in things once more. He strode out into the howling winds. A blizzard swirled in the night sky.

What he saw there froze his anger in its tracks. A shimmering light spread through the sky amongst the snow and stars. It seemed to dance with freedom and joy. He could sense the thoughts of humans swirling within it. It was an aurora of mankind’s making, weaving their minds and spirits together, unbound by time, distance, restraint or rules.

Photo by Maria Vojtovicova on Unsplash

He turned back into his cave. Perhaps they weren’t totally irredeemable after all. The humans were closer than they had ever been to the Secret. Their path, should they have the wisdom to walk it, would eventually take them to Kwaneg’s cave.

Until then, he was going back to sleep.

Kwaneg grinned, fangs glinting. He knew the ache in his bones for what it was. Something he hadn’t felt in centuries. Something he didn’t think he would ever feel about the humans.


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The Cryptory

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